Chapter 3

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Mateo and Clarise were dead silent. You could sense the awkward tension between the two. 

Mateo wanted to say so many things, for he was extremely extroverted and just wanted to ask so many questions to her. He just wanted to make small talk, get to know her, just anything to fill this silence. But he was advised not to say much to her, just take her outside and let her roam around like when you let your dog out for a bathroom break. 

Clarise was also tortured by this silence despite being incredibly introverted. Usually Dr. Kadea  would just be going on and on about her progress and his research. It's usually the same rant about the limits, or lack of limits, of her abilities or how her abilities can basically tell the future. Mateo was silent, but she could sense that he wanted to say something to her. 

The doors to the courtyard slid open automatically just before Clarise walked through the door. Cameras whirled to attention as Clarise followed the closest path. A few guards were planted around, some nodded to Mateo who walked behind her, but most stared cautiously at her. 

The courtyard was massive. Filled with trees, shrubs, and flower beds all in perfect order and lined with a maze of pathways that all led to a center fountain with a statue of some sort of winged human holding a vase that poured down a consistent water stream. There were various fish and other aquatic animals spewing water out too. All immortalized in marble. 

Dr. Kadea said it wasn't an angel but a representation of the epitome of human evolution.

Clarise knew the pathway well and well all the way to the fountain, climbing up on the marble wall and sitting on the edge. Slipping of her slippers she put them beside her as she crossed her legs, staring down at the wiggling water. 

It was a beautiful day out, sunny and not too hot. The light mist caused by the water cooling down the air around her. 

It was calming. 

Clarise's hair flowed behind her like the water, partially dangling off the wall behind her. Some of her strands fell forward into the water, dancing on the surface. 

Mateo just watched behind her, taking note of how long her hair was. Many of the projects at this particular facility looked more put together than other projects he's seen, but Clarise looked the most normal. 

Her skin was fair and clear, her hair was silky and clean, and her body was thin but healthy. Her eyes were slightly downturned, giving her a little melanotic look, but they were dark and empty looking.  Overall she looked like a normal girl. One could describe her as conventionally attractive. 

She was also the youngest female project. There were 2 other women who were entered in the facility around the same age Clarise had been entered, but they were much older than her. 

"So uh," Mateo suddenly spoke, his voice startling Clarise slightly, "How was breakfast?" 

Mateo wanted to bang his head against the fountain's walls from how stupid his question was, but he was racking his brain so much for a harmless question to ask to just start off the conversation. 

Turning fulling to him, letting her hair just dip in the water behind her, her mouth began to move in response. 

It consisted of a chicken rice porridge, with ginger and salt. The water had a strong taste of metal, and smelled like chlorine.

He furrowed his brow at her response, not expecting the how literal her answer was going to be. Although he couldn't hear her voice, he was able to read her lips pretty well. He already was used to working in silence with especially with stealth missions, so he picked up this lip reading skill quite easily. It also helped that Clarise enunciated her words exceptionally well. 

"How did it taste?" He read one her file that she never gives her own opinion when prompted, it seems she goes for the straight literal answer. 

Like old rice. It had been overcooked and under seasoned with too little ginger and too much salt. The water came straight from the tap and had a metallic taste. 

"Oh, that sucks." Mateo awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, his rifle was just dangling off it's harness as he took both hands off of it. "I'll let the kitchen know that it was bad." 

Clarise was a bit surprised that he seemed to know what she was saying, but she chalked it up to him just assuming what she was responding with. Context clues.

Do you understand what I'm saying? 

"Yeah?" Mateo raised a brow, "Why wouldn't I?" 

He can read lips? 

Yes. "Yeah, I can. Pretty cool, huh?" 

Did I say that aloud? 

Yes. "Uh yeah?" 

Clarise's eyes widened, covering her mouth unconsciously in surprise. She didn't realize she said that aloud, and Mateo picked up on it. Dr. Kadea noted that she asks herself questions out loud, but he never mentioned it to her to her face.

What is this feeling? 

Embarrassment. "I dunno? Are you sick?" 

Clarise felt her cheeks get hot, and slapped her other hand over her hand that had drifted slightly from her mouth. Staring at Mateo in surprise.

He was just smiling at her, partially amused by her actions but mainly confused. He read that she was relatively emotionless, but now her cheeks were slightly pink and her eyes were a bit more lively. 

Looking down at his watch, a black, waterproof watch, he looked up to see Clarise had calmed down, dangling her legs off the side of the wall, staring up at him. He felt just a bit self conscious at her stares. "What?" He let out a nervous chuckle, "Something on my face?" 


"I'm just that handsome, huh?" He chuckled again, just trying to shove in some humor. 


She said it with such a straight face that neither of them really reacted to her answer. It was like she was simply just stating a fact. 

But beauty is subjective.


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