Chapter 34

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"Wha-" Frost began, but Clarise had already walked away, further into the house like it was her own. "Well - uh - what do you want us to do now?" 

"Let's wash out clothes first," Clarise pointed towards the laundry room where they can finally wash their thrifted clothes and everyone will finally have new clothes. "The bedrooms are all upstairs, Weaver can you grab everyone clean undergarments?" 

"Uh yeah," Weaver awkwardly shuffled over to the staircase and motioned for Link to follow her. 

Golem didn't question it at all as he went to grab the bags of clothes and shoes from the van, leaving the remaining trio alone. 

"Are you sure we're allowed to do this?" Frost fiddled with her fingers. She was incredibly uncomfortable being in a normal looking home. She felt so out of place. 

Should she take off her shoes? 

Wash her feet? 

Write an apology note? 

"It'll be fine, let's just make everyone lunch." Clarise's voice was partially muffled by the refrigerator that she stuck her head into. 

Exchanging looks with Spring, Frost shrugged and walked up to what she thinks a pantry door, opening it to reveal a hall of snack galore. So many chips, candy, and calories that she hasn't seen in so long. 

"Oh shit!" Frost squealed with joy, "I haven't had one of these in forever!" 

She immediately went for a familiar golden wrapper with bright red lettering, ripping it open to reveal that milk chocolate covered, caramel, cookie, candy bar and shoving it right into her mouth and basically inhaling it. 

"Did you even chew it?" Spring scoffed, going over to Clarise and taking the ingredients she held out and putting them on the counter. 

"Shut up," Frost mumbled, going deeper into the cave of junk food. 

Clarise maneuvered around the kitchen like she's lived here all her life. This was actually the first time she's ever tried to cook anything, but she's also moving like a professional. Spring just stood on standby, shuffling slowly to the breakfast counter stool. 

"So - umm - your dad's place, huh?" He awkwardly began, never really talking to Clarise one on one before. 


"Have you, were you, are you guys close?" 



Despite her little reaction, Spring felt like he stepped on a landmine. Just the familiarity she had with the house, he felt like she lived here a while before going to the facility. Little did he know that her childhood home was long sold, and this home was one her dad bought with his mistress. 

"Oooo," Frost finally emerged with an armful of snacks, a cookie sticking out of her mouth for good measure, "Wha-cha making?" 

"Just some eggs and bacon," Clarise had already made two plates, placing both at the breakfast bar for Spring and Frost, "There are some grocery bags in that drawer if you want to put your snacks in there." 

"Oh, thanks," Frost filled the grocery bag to the brim, satisfied with her haul. That feeling of guilt slowly being buried in eggs and bacon. 

Weaver and Link also had come down with handfuls of undergarments, putting them in the laundry room before joining the others in the kitchen as Clarise put more plates for them on the island. 

Weaver began before shoving the greasy sliver of sodium in her mouth. It has been so long since she had bacon and eggs. No more bland meals for her.  Link's plate strangely only had eggs, but she didn't complain, in fact she looked please. She doesn't eat pork, and it seems Clarise knew that. 

Golem soon came back, going into the laundry room and started the first and only load. None of the clothes were the same color, but he didn't really care. He soon joined the rest and had a massive pile of eggs and bacon placed in front of him. It even took Clarise both hands to steady the plate. 

"What's there to drink?" Spring mumbled with his mouth full of egg. 

"Orange juice? Lemonade? Coffee?" Clarise didn't even have to look in the fridge to know, but they are basically having breakfast for lunch so breakfast-y drinks seemed appropriate. 

A chorus of requests came out of everyone and Clarise poured them all their respective drinks. 

"After you all are done, you all should change and there is some cash in that drawer so we could buy some supplies for the road." Clairse had made a plate for herself, eating quickly so she could go right back to business. 

"What about you?" Link asked as she got up to wash her plate. 

Clarise didn't say anything at first, just looking distant as she finished off her plate. "Let's just meet back here at 5." 

They all didn't want to question her, so far they've been putting blind trust into her and her powers and so far so good. Soon the dishes were done and in the drying rack, and everyone changed into new clothes, Frost promptly destroying everything and throwing it outside to be taken away by the wind. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Frost waited by the door as the others already left. It was quite obvious why Clarise stayed behind, and even though she's said little to nothing about her father, like everyone else their loved ones just drifted away from them. 

"Yeah," Clarise huffed, taking another deep breath for courage, "It'll be fine." 

I'll be fine. 

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