Chapter 1

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Dr. Kadea was scribbling down something on his clipboard. He had just finished up today's questionnaire. Always starting off with random trivia questions, then moved onto strange yet specific questions about himself, then even stranger questions that almost had nothing to do with either of them. 

Although Clarise couldn't see his clip board she knew exactly what was being written down. All she had to do is ask herself.

What is Dr. Gregory Kadea writing about today? 

Subject's past answers have come true. No side effects seen. 

Current answers are relevant to current projects. Need to increase security for Project Magma. 

Project Magma? This is the first time that Clarise heard about this project. There were so many other names of projects she's spoke about: Project Weaver, Project Golem, Project Raptor. 

It seemed she wasn't the only person in this facility being 'treated.' Other unfortunate people who were given 'gifts' as Director Jefferson said. It was one of many things he said to coax Clarise's father into admitting her into the facility. Not that her father really need much convincing. 

He finally realized the gravity of her ability at her mother's funeral, when he asked aloud how she knew about his affair. Clarise knew the answer to that. Afterwards he asked why his latest business deal wasn't working out. Clarise told him that his most trusted friend and co-worker was embezzling money.  He asked if Heather was married, like he suspected. Yes, and has 2 kids. More and more questions with answers he didn't like.  More and more answers that were getting quieter and quieter. 

He stopped talking to her a week before he packed up her stuff and shipped her off across the nation. 

Dr. Kadea finished off his report, briefly mentioning that Clarise was a bit more distant and her voice could barely be heard. It was like her mouth was just opening and closing like a fish. Saying his farewells he walked off, nodding to the guard outside before the room door automatically closed behind him. The little slit for a window blocked slightly by the guard. 

The guard was new, started working at the facility after the last project went wrong. Project Raptor. Clarise knew many of the people in that project never got to see their families ever again. Project Raptor was one of the more violent projects. 

All the lights had gone red and ear-piercing sirens went off. It had never happened before in the decade that Clarise had lived here. She had left her father when she was barely 9 years old, and now she was almost 21 years old.  Almost 12 years of constant questions and tests. So many wires and cords that would record her brain as more and more questions piled on her. 

Clarise had resigned to laying on her grey bed, staring at the grey ceiling. The whole room was grey. Grey desk, grey chair, grey bedsheets, grey pillowcases, even her 'uniform' was grey. 

Her uniform looked like nurse scrubs, except for her patient number embroidered under the facility's name, BEYOND. It didn't stand for anything, the name, it was just the name of the facility. 

Mindlessly combing her fingers through her hair, Clarise couldn't remember the last time she got her hair cut. 

When you were 7 years old. 

Ah right, when her mother was happier, and happy to cut her precious angel's hair. Clarise had refused everyone else to even touch  her hair. Luckily for her the BEYOND lab technicians were quite accommodating and let her hair just keep growing until it almost reached her hips. 

Luckily it stopped growing, and has stayed that length for a while now. Clarise's long black locks were exactly like her mother's when her mother actually cared for her appearance. It was one of the reasons she didn't want to cut it. Her mother had always played their favorite music, which was basically just Disney songs, and the two would sing along as Clarise got her haircut. Even if her hair came out with uneven cuts and sometimes her bangs would be more like bongs, it was perfect. 

Clarise's eyes drifted to the thin slits at the top of the wall near the ceiling. They were barely 4 inches wide and still barred with 3 inch thick bars. Unlike most of the other Projects, Clarise's little 'gift' was almost harmless. 

Hence why she had 1 guard instead of a standard 5-8 man unit. 

Her guard, Mateo Alaverez, was just a year older than her and was first a mercenary for about 4 years before coming to work for BEYOND. His parents were also met with unfortunate fates, and was raised by his uncle who was ex-military. His mercenary company was bought out by BEYOND and thus began his employment. He was considered one of the nicer mercenaries, and was always obedient, hence why he was trusted solely with her safety. 

Did she ask him all these facts about his life? 

Absolutely not. They've never spoken to each other. 

Mateo had said about one thing to her before he was told not to speak to her, for it was 'dangerous to speak to her.' Her file mentioned that her 'gift' was triggered by verbal or legible prompts, aka questions. There were other things on her file that apparently were relevant for his job. Her age, her birthdate, the status of her parents, personal interests, and of course her 'gift.'

It appears neither of them had to speak to each other to know almost everything about one another. 

Thinking of him, Clarise found her eyes drift over to the window where he stood. Although she can only see part of his back, she could tell he was just as tall as the door frame , with a muscular build. He towers over Dr. Kadea both in height and overall build. 

Unlike the more official guards, Mateo wore a black t-shirt with the BEYOND name embroidered on the left chest like her shirt, with a black vest lined with pockets that held his extra ammo and other things apparently needed to guard one woman. 

Clarise has only seen  a glimpse of his whole form, but she remembers his navy green cargo pants, and a belt that held 2 hand guns, and a leg strap that holds a knife. He typically wears chunky combat boots, like he would be running around outside rather than on the sleek tiles of the facility. 

His hair was black like Clarise's, but his had a warmer tone and was a bit shaggy with messy waves and some curls. His skin was definitely different than hers, where he had a golden tan, both from his naturally darker skin tone and actually going outside. 

The one thing they both truly shared was there deep brown - nearly black - eyes that were both a bit empty. 

Clarise could tell that if they were allowed to speak to each other, they might actually become friends. 

But even if he broke the rules and tried to spark a conversation, she was likely not to audibly respond. 

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