Chapter 33

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"Take the next exit," Clarise spoke monotonously, like a GPS, directing Weaver as she drove. 

Out of all of them, Weaver was the most familiar driving a large vehicle like this. So it was best that she drove to try to prevent them from being pulled over. 

Clarise still hasn't told them where they are going, which proved to be more and more confusing for Weaver - the only one who has access to a window to watch as the country highway soon became urban and then residential. A really nice - so nice - residential neighborhood. With towering homes of who knows how many square feet.

"Pull over here," Clarise unbuckled and slid open the separating window, "Spring I need you to make me an aconitum napellus." 

"Huh?" Spring looked at her like she was speaking gibberish. 

"Wolfsbane?" Clarise held out her hand expectantly, "And an assortment of any flowers that would look nice with it." 

"Uhhh okay," Spring pulled up his sleeved and soon several sprouts emerged from his skin, blooming into a colorful rainbow of flowers. 

"Wolfsbane?" Golem scooted back, bumping into Frost who also backed up, "Isn't that poisonous?" 

Clarise nodded, watching that purple flower flower that looks like a hooded-monk praying. Maybe that's why it's also called monkshood. 

"It's not toxic to us unless you want to eat it," Clarise's voice strained slightly as she reached to pluck the flowers from Spring's arms. He seemed perfectly fine with it, and the remaining stems on his arm immediately wilted and fell off, leaving behind perfectly clear skin. 

Spring had a fortunate gift, the only real side effect is that he smells like a botanical garden and attracts bugs. Lots of bugs. So many bugs. 

So many bugs that he always kept his hair shaved and washed himself constantly to avoid the bugs. It didn't help that he also had a severe pollen allergy, and one thing from BEYOND that helped was reduce that. 

His old name was Rahm Friedman, and had his gift since he was about 5 years old. He had excellent control of his gift since he was little, and his parents would assume he raided the neighbor's gardens every time he came home with flowers. 

It wasn't until he accidentally got tangled with vines in his bunkbed when he was 13. His parents sought help and found BEYOND. 

"Frost, can you come with me? Everyone else follow us in that house in about 8 minutes." Clarise spoke slowly and clearly, arranging the flowers into a rather presentable bouquet, the purple demon proudly sitting in the middle. 

The two women walked down the street like two friends on a walk together. One look at them - ignoring they came out of a super shady black van - and you'd think they were just normal young women. 

"So who's that bouquet for?" Frost wasn't sure what was going on, just following Clarise who was walking rather fast and with great purpose. A woman on a mission. 

"You'll see." 

Eventually they came to a rather nice house. Looking about 3 stories tall with a lovely grey-painted wood patio and a quaint rocking chair that sat next to a deep emerald-color door. 

Without hesitation Clarise rang the doorbell, and straightened up her posture, even adjusting her hair. As soon as the door opened she plastered a massive smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes. 

"Hi there! I'm Rebecca and this is my friend Kayla, and we're here to deliver these flowers to a Mrs. Wang?" Clarise's voice rose a few octaves and sounded so sickly sweet that you could also smell sugar over the floral scents. 

"Oh?" The older woman at the door was wearing a long-sleeved maroon dress and black tights. Her milk-chocolate hair was in a side pony-tail with gentle curls spilling over her shoulder. Her face was lightly covered in makeup with a hint of wrinkles and underneath. Her hazel eyes were kind and filling with joy as she saw what Clarise was holding, "I-I'm Mrs. Wang, hello!" 

Plastering a smile on her face, Frost tried to cover her confusion and just played along. 

"I figured a beautiful lady such as yourself was going to be the recipient of this bouquet!" Clarise thrusted them forward, waiting for Mrs. Wang to take them. "From your husband!" 

"You're just too sweet," she took them, pushing her nose into them and taking a deep breath, "They are amazing, thank you." 

"Of course Ma'am," Clarise smiled, just waiting for a moment as the woman's eyelids fluttered slightly, "Oh my, Ma'am? are you alright?" 

"I-I think, I-I don't feel good." She wavered slightly and Frost and Clarise both stepped forward to balance her. "Wh-what's going on?" 

Clarise took the bouquet from her and handed it to Frost, "Destroy it." 

Frost nodded taking it in both hands and waiting until she could crush them up into a fine powder. 

"Help me bring her inside." Clarise was eerily calm as she leaned down to hoist the woman up and with the help of Frost they brought her to the closet couch. 

"Wha-what?" The woman looked so out of it as she slumped to her side lifelessly. Her eyes fluttering shut as her breathing slowed. 

Clarise looked emotionlessly down at her. Not a hint of fear or regret in her eyes. 

"Is she going to be alright?" Frost's voice was calm but on the inside she was freaking out. Did they just kill someone?! 

"She'll be fine, just knocked for for a while." Clarise adjusted the woman so that she looked like she just went down for a nap. 

Soon everyone else came in, looking quite confused. 

"Who's house is this?" Spring looked around, in awe of the rather expensive rather décor landing on a family photo. 

A man, the woman, and two girls. One a teenager, another looking about 10 or so. 

Clarise looked at the photo, an unreadable expression spreading on her face. But soon she turned to the group, looking more dead inside than usual her mouth opening and closing like a fish and just muttering, 

"My father's." 

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