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We woke the next morning still in our fort to the sound of Ethan's phone vibrating. He groggily sat up and began patting down the blankets to find the phone. Once he found it he answered it.
"Hey Mark, what's up? .... Okay yeah sounds great... I'll let (Y/N) know... Alright we'll get ready and meet you there... Sweet, bye!" He hung up the phone.

"What was all that?" I questioned.
"Mark had a last minute idea to film and meet with some fans in the park, he wants us to come along." He said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Oh that sounds so good! How many people are going to be there?" I asked.
"Uh were not sure, he's just sent a tweet out so it could be quite a few.." he laughed "come on let's get ready and go!" He said as he started climbing out of the fort. I layed there a couple minutes longer before stretching and getting out.

Once we had gotten ready we made our way out the door and to the location Mark gave Ethan, from the looks of it on Google Maps it was a big park. It didn't take long to get there, we found a place to park the car and got out making our way to Mark, Amy and Tyler.

Ethan practically ran over because Tyler had brought Spencer with him for us to take him back home. I have never seen Spencer's tail wag so fast!
"Spencer, my big boy! I missed you so much!" Ethan yelled, kneeling onto the ground to cuddle with Spencer. "Thanks for looking after him, Tyler!" He smiled up to Tyler.
"No worries, he's super chill so he's easy to take care of" Tyler smiled back.
"Okay, now I should probably tell you what we're doing before the fans come around" Mark interrupted catching all of our attention.
"Yeah, that might help." Ethan laughed while standing up.
"We're going to play some games with some fans and the girls are going to be absolutely lovely and hand out refreshments and make sure everyone feels comfortable and has a great time." He continued.

As he finished I saw some excited people making their way over! "They're starting to arrive" I said to Mark, pointing over his shoulder.
"Okay sweet, are you girls okay to take care of this while us guys get set up?" He looked to Amy and I and then to a plastic table beside him with some water bottles and snacks on the ground next to it.
"Yeah easy, here I'll take Spence, you go with the guys!" I held my hand out to Ethan for Spencer's lead, which he passed me and kissed my cheek before leaving with Mark and Tyler.

"He really loves you, (Y/N)." Amy nudged me smiling.
"What makes you say that?" I giggle while we start placing the drinks and snacks on the table.
"I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. That and he literally never shuts up about you." She rolled her eyes making me laugh.
"He's pretty sweet, I can't see myself without him." I shrugged smiling.
"You guys are great together." She grinned back.

We looked over as the guys were now surrounded by fans, Mark talking to them explaining how the day will go and the games will work before pointing over to us at the table, which I'm assuming was him telling them we had snacks.

After a little while of the guys playing with the fans, Amy stood up. "Hey I'll be back!" She called out to me "Chica has to go potty"
"Okay I'll be here!" I said back suddenly feeling super lonely. I looked down to Spencer snoozing at my feet. Suddenly I felt some hands on my waist.
"You should be with the guys and fans Eth-.." I turned around as I was talking. "You're not Ethan..." I stepped back taking the strangers hands off me.
"I could be if you wanted me to?" The guy smirked. He was tall, had dark hair and dark eyes which looked really intimidating.
"Yeah look I'm good, thanks." I held my hands up feeling uncomfortable.
"Oh come on don't be like that sweetheart." He pleaded placing his hands on my waist again with one snaking around to my back.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell loud. "Is that your hands on my girlfriend?!" It was Ethan and he was running over to us, fast.
"Oh woah man, no need to get angry, we were just having fun!" He said back letting go of me.
"I wish you'd do it again." He said angrier. "I'll watch you leave here limping!" I've never seen this side of him, it was almost scary but I felt safer with him here.

The stranger backed off completely and walked away like nothing even happened.
"Are you okay babe?" He pulled me in for a hug holding my head to his chest.
"Yeah I'm alright, just a little thrown off." I sighed into him.
"What happened?" Amy came running back over with Mark and Tyler. "We heard yelling!" She said panting.
"Some creep came up to (Y/N) and started touching her and making her feel uncomfortable, I got angry." Ethan sighed.
"Are you okay though (Y/N)?" Tyler asked concerned.
"Yeah I'll be okay, I don't know what would have happened if Ethan wasn't here." I frowned.
"Maybe we should wrap this up.." Mark said before walking over to the fans, apologising for finishing up earlier than expected and explained the situation.

Ethan and Tyler went back to the fans to say goodbye while Amy and I began packing up.
"I'm sorry I left you." Amy said sad.
"It's not your fault! No one knew anything would happen, plus we can't deny Chica from needing to do her business!" I reassured her.
"I know I just feel really bad, if I stayed I don't think that would have happened." She sighed.
"Hey, look, it's okay, I'm okay. Let's just get this packed up and maybe we can all have dinner together tonight." I smiled.
"Okay sounds good" she smiled back softly.

Once we'd packed up and got everything back into the cars, we all parted ways.
"I'm sorry that happened to you today" Ethan said to me while driving, placing his hand on my leg.
"Eth, it's okay, it's not anyone's fault. Shit happens." I shrugged.
"How are you so calm about this?! A random guy just started touching you and being gross." He looked over to me worried.
"I don't know, I guess I knew you'd be there for me. I just didn't want to ruin a good day for you guys." I looked down at my feet and sighed.
"I should have punched him." He said through gritted teeth.
"I'm glad you didn't because people like that aren't worth it!" I looked up at him.
"How dare he touch you, you're with me!" He started getting worked up again.
"Please don't get angry, I'm right here with you!" I reassured him.
"Sorry, I guess I just got jealous that someone else was touching you." He sighed. "I just worry that someone is going to take you away from me, you're such a beautiful girl, anyone would be lucky to have you. But the world needs to know you're mine, you're taken and will be for a long long time."
"I'm not going anywhere." I kissed his hand as he drove.

A/N: so I heard Next Contestant - Nickelback on my drive to work and the line "is that your hand on my girlfriend? I wish you'd do it again, I'll watch you leave here limping" came on and it made me wanna write a chapter so I guess Nickelback can do something good lmao.

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