Bus party.

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! This chapter gets a lil how ya going if you know what I mean ! If you're not into sexual stuff of under 18 please skip !

We've all been sitting around chatting when Sean perked up.
"I brought a little something along with me" he smiled as he pulled a large bottle of alcohol out of his bag showing it off to everyone. "How about a pre-con party!" He shouted really enthusiastic.
"Oooooh that sounds fun." Amy said putting out her hands to try to get the bottle off Sean.
Sean laughing at Amy said "how about we get some glasses and have some fun?" He cheered.

Mark got up to grab the glasses from the cupboard above the small kitchen, one for each of us so Sean could pour some drinks. I got up turning on some music and grabbed my drink from the table. Everyone raised their glasses and cheers excitedly.

We were all singing and dancing around and I watched as Mark flirted with Amy, Amy loving each minute but was teasing him the whole time pretending to flirt with me. I shot back a few winks laughing each time and she blew me some kisses. Amy was one of the best girlfriends I had, we clicked so well when we met and have been really close ever since.

She got up from next to Mark and sat in my lap, one arm draped around my neck. I placed my hand on her thigh to help her from falling off.
"Wanna annoy the boys, maybe drive them a little nutty?" She whispered in my ear.
"What did you have in mind?" I whispered back.
"Let's keep the flirting going, get a few more drinks in us and drive them wild" she giggled
"Let's do it!" I giggled back as she got back off my lap.

Walking over to the now more alcohol Mark found in the cupboards she shot a glance over at me.
"Want a shot?" She asked
"Hell yes!" I got up and walked to her while she poured us some shots. She handed me one and clinked hers with mine, we tapped them to the table and shotted them, Amy poured us another round as the boys watched on.

"Where's this coming from?" Sean asked in his thick accent.
"As Cindy Lauper says, girls just wanna have fun!" Amy giggled giving me a peck on the cheek. I saw Mark raise his eyebrow at her confused.
"How much fun are we having (Y/N)?!" She asks me
"So much fun!" I say kissing her back on the cheek.
She poured us another round of shots, we drink them and she looks at me and winks, I blow her a kiss and she grabs my face in her hands. I knew exactly what she was going to do so I played along with her.

As her face got closer to mine I could have sworn I saw all the boys sit closer to the edge of their seats. She kissed me and I started kissing her back. I placed one hand on her face and the other on the small of her back, pulling her closer to me.
"oh damn" I heard Ethan mutter to himself making me smile into the kiss.
She pushed me back onto the couch next to Sean and Mark and sat straddled on my lap. I placed my hand on her thigh, sliding it slightly under her skirt. She sighs with pleasure as she begins kissing along my neck, finding a spot that made me moan softly. I didn't even notice it come out of my mouth and by the looks of it neither did she as she continued.

This was only meant to be a joke but I think we were both getting a little too into it. I rubbed her thigh gripping it a big tighter and rubbed it with my thumb. She sat up and tucked her hair behind her ears before giggling and smiling at me. We both looked around at the boys who were practically drooling and laughed. Amy got up off my lap and started pouring everyone another drink.

I looked over to Ethan and winked before getting up and walking toward him to join him at the booth.
"You should pick your jaw up off the floor now" I chuckled. "Remember how I said to watch out?" I teased
"Oh it's on." He proclaimed.

I sat down next to him in the booth and he snaked one arm around my waist and place his hand down on my thigh giving it a small squeeze. I looked up at him as he smirked, he was planning something. His hand slowly moved up my thigh to my skirt, putting his hand under it and moving towards between my legs.

"I thought Mark said no sex?" I said quietly
"He said no sex, not no teasing" He whispered in my ear, biting at the lobe starting to turn me on. He continued to move his hand closer to between my legs and began playing with my underwear. My breath got caught in my throat knowing exactly what he was playing at. He slipped one finger under them and started rubbing me a little bit exciting me just enough for me to want more and then stopping.

"You're an ass" I whispered to him
"This is the only beginning" he kissed my cheek and got up to go to the bathroom leaving me turned on and flushed.

Not long after we all end up going to bed, me still feeling sexually frustrated at Ethans teasing and craving him more. I got into my pyjamas and layed down in my bunk with one hand hanging out into the hallway between us. I felt Ethans hand intertwine with mine as he gave it a quick kiss and saying goodnight to everyone.

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