Lazy day.

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Your POV

Tonight was the night we roll into another year, nothing was planned that I knew of and all I wanted to do today was sit around in my pyjamas and watch videos online all day.

Ethan was already up and out of bed by the time I'd woken up. I pulled myself out of bed, sliding on my slippers and wrapping my fuzzy burgundy robe around me before leaving the bedroom and closing the door behind me.

As I made my way downstairs, I tied the strings of the robe into a bow and could hear rustling in the lounge room. As I walked into the room Ethan was placing breakfast on the coffee table in front of the couch. He looked up to me and smiled.
"I hope you didn't have plans for today?" He asked.
"Not a thing clearly." I giggled pointing up and down to my comfy pyjamas.
"Good, because we're having breakfast and lounging around this morning." He smiled.

I sat down on the couch admiring all the food in front of me. Ethan had gone out of his way to cook pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast, but also placed spreads, maple syrup, whipped cream and ice cream on the table to go with it. I looked beside me as I felt Ethans weight move the couch cushions when he sat beside me.
"I made you a hot chocolate too!" He said as he passed me a warm mug.
"This is amazing Eth." I smiled to him taking the cup from his hands.
"Anything for you baby, it's been a busy couple days after Christmas." He rubbed my knee softly as he spoke.

He turned on the tv and we put on the first movie we saw, knowing while we were eating, neither of us would be watching it.

I watched as Ethan filled his plate with everything he saw on the table, I slowly did the same before pouring maple syrup on my pancakes and making up a sandwich with bacon and eggs. I took a bite of the sandwich and my eyes rolled to the back of my head from pleasure of the taste.
"Ethan this is so good!" I sighed with a full mouth.
"I know, because I made it." He grinned. I rolled my eyes at him and continued eating.

I sat back into the couch once I was full and got comfortable as Ethan stood up and grabbed our plates, clearing off the coffee table from the breakfast he had made for us.

When he came back he sat on the couch, laying against the armrest with his legs slightly spread. I decided it looked like a good spot for me to squeeze myself into and rested my back against his chest, looking up at his face and kissing his chin. As I looked back to the tv his head snuggled into the crook of my neck.

"How good is a lazy day?" He breathed into my neck. It gave me chills knowing how close he was to a spot that sets me off when he was near it. "You cold?" He asked as he felt me shiver.
"Nope just shivering from your breath on my neck." I said back.
"You mean like this?" He breathed into my neck again giving me more chills than before.
"Yes like that!" I shot up sitting upright "none of that! It's lazy day!" I said grumpily.
"Fine fine.." he agreed rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
I slumped back into him again, his head returning to my neck as we watched the tv a little more.

I felt as Ethan's phone vibrated next to us on the couch. Mark was calling.

"Hey Mark!... Yeah?... No we aren't busy tonight.... okay hang on let me ask her..." he spoke into the phone. He pulled the phone away from his ear "you wanna hang out with Mark and Amy tonight?" He asked.
"Yeah okay!" I nodded, not removing my gaze from the tv.
"Yeah she's up for it... alright sweet send the address... we will see you tonight.... okay bye!" He hung up the phone. "Amy said hi." He told me.
"Hi Amy.." I giggled.
"It's a bit late for that now.." he shook his head.
"So what time are we going and I guess where are we going?" I asked.
"Mark is gonna send the address, apparently we're going to an apartment with a view of the fireworks tonight around 7-8ish." He mumbled into my shoulder.
"That sounds cool! What are you going to wear?" I began questioning.
"Don't know, I'm not thinking of that right now, I'm watching tv." He shrugged.
"Okay fair enough." I nodded.

We layed on the couch together watching the tv for most of the day, only moving to get snacks or go to the toilet.

The day seemed to pass us by quickly and before we noticed we had to get off the couch and get ready to go. I stood up from the couch and made my way upstairs to the bathroom to shower. I made sure to only have a quick shower so I had enough time to get dressed and do my hair and make up.

I walked out to the bedroom in just my towel as Ethan waltzed into the room. His eyes widened and then we winked at me. "Wearing that tonight?" He smirked.
"Actually no, maybe tomorrow though." I walked up to him to peck him on the cheek then turned to the wardrobe. "You better shower babe." Ethan nodded and walked to the bathroom.

I listened as the shower turned on while I layed my clothes on the bed. I wriggled my way into some tight blue high waisted jeans then put on black silk button up, tucking it into my jeans and leaving the top two buttons undone, revealing a bit of cleavage. I thought I'd cheekily pair it with the lingerie I purchased for Ethan's birthday. You could see a little bit of the blue lace peeking through depending on how I positioned myself. I put on a dainty silver necklace to compliment my chest and walked into the bathroom where Ethan was still showering.

"Don't you knock anymore?" Ethans voice echoed from the shower.
"Do I have to?" I asked looking at him through the mirror.
"I mean I guess not.." he replied wiping the glass with his hand to see through the steam. "That outfit looks good!"
"Thank you!" I turned around to face him.
"Oh, a little bit of boobage tonight hey?" He bit his lip.
"Just a little for you." I winked at him then turned back to the mirror.

I bent down to get my curler from the cupboard beneath the sink and as I began standing up Ethan smacked and grabbed a handful of my ass.
"I like those jeans, your ass looks great." He sighed playfully.
"I'll try to wear them more often." I giggled while I plugged the curler in to heat up. Ethan kissed my cheek before walking out to the bedroom.

I curled my hair, just enough for it to be a beach wave rather than a curl then began doing my makeup, subtle but a small pop of silver in the corners of my eyes to match the necklace, then adding a soft nude brown lipstick. I set my hair with some hair spray then set my face too with setting spray before walking out to the bedroom where Ethan was.

"Taking some pointers from me tonight?" I asked as I got myself some black boot heels from the wardrobe.
"Huh?" He looked up from doing up his buttons. He was wearing a 90's style button up shirt with some dark jeans and some high top sneakers.
"Both button ups?" I giggled.
"You can't be stealing the show with that button up, I have to try match a little?" He laughed and shrugged.

Once we were both ready to go we made our way to the car to head out to the apartment Mark and Amy were waiting for us in. As we walked to the car Ethan came to my side to open the door for me to get in.
"Such a gentleman." I cooed. He laughed and let me in before closing the door. He got into the drivers seat and started the car.
"Ready to go?" He smiled softly.
"Let's go." I nodded.

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