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*Mrs. Cotton

Today Grant called me and told me to meet him at his warehouse. I was really debating on going cuz I didn't wanna be in no more of his shenanigans. After debating I decided to go so I won't start nothing . Of course it was something dealing with Indigo. He heard from somebody that Indigo was having Amari a party. He wanted me to go in and make her leave Indigo alone. I don't know why he consist on trying to get them to leave each other alone cuz they are not. Of course I have to or he threaten to hurt Indigo . Which I don't want to happen at all.
I waited until no one wasn't paying attention them I walked into the party. I seen Amari in the crowd. I had to wait until I could get her to myself. So I hid until I seen her go to the bathroom. After she went in I went in behind her. I stood by the door until she came out the bathroom stall. She went to the sink and looked up, she paused for a second then turn to look at me.

"What are you doing here??" She asked looking at me

"I'm pretty sure you know why I'm here..." I said with a  smirk walking toward her a lil

"Whatever..." she said tryna walk off but I got in front of her

"Let's get to the point. I need you to leave Indigo alone..." I said and she chuckled

"Nah I'm good..." she said

"Nah you are going to leave her alone..." I said

"No I'm not..." she said

"Yeah you are..." I said

"Who gone make you??" She asked with a eyebrow raised

"See if you don't leave her alone, she'll be hurt or... Well you know..." I said

"You are sick..." she said looking at me weird

"Like I said if you don't leave her, she disappears..." I said turning to walk out
"Oh and I'll give you until Monday..." I said winking and smiling before leaving out

I left and went home.

When I got home I got in the shower. In the shower is where I do most of my thinking. Both of my daughters are upset at me and isn't talking to me. Indigo isn't talking to me and y'all know why. Skye isn't talking to me because she found out I was working with Grant and she said I was ruining Indigo's life and she wanted no parts. I understand her and I wouldn't be in this if I wasn't trying to protect her. Grant hasn't being fond of Indigo since she came out to us. He's been hateful toward her every since and it's mind blowing that he's taking it this far. He would whether see her hurting and have Amari leave her then to see her happy with Amari. Shit is crazy cuz he has so much power and it's bazaar. He could get someone killed in seconds and have no remorse. He's evil and dirty and I always hated that about him. When he got money and all he has now he became a monster.
Dawn stopped working for him so he ran outta option, so this was his last option or someone was going to get hurt. I hope Amari follows through with the plan cuz I don't want anything to happen to my daughter.

After my shower I got in my night clothes and got in my bed.

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