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When we made it in the building I kinda ditched Mari and stood in the middle of the floor. The lights flipped on.

"SURPRISEEE!!!" Everybody said

She turned around with wide eyes and a open mouth. Then her faced turned into the biggest smile.

"I can't stand y'all..." she said walking toward us with open arms

We all gave a huge group hug.

"How y'all get this pass me??" She asked smiling

"It was hard but we just didn't talk about it around you..." Juice said

"Cuz you a nosy heffa..." Sanjay said making

Mari give her the middle finger and they laugh.

"Thank you guys, cuz I didn't know what I was gone do for my birthday..." she hugging us again

"And we got another surprise..." I said looking at her

"What is it??" She says looking around

"Right here..." Juice said stepping to the side to show Mari her lil sister

"AALIYAH..."Mari said running to her all excited

They hugged each other for a good while.

"I missed you..." Mari said kissing her forehead

"I missed you too big sis..." Aaliyah said as they hugged again

"Where's mom??" Mari said looking around

"She couldn't make it, but she told me to FaceTime her tomar..." Liyah said

"How long you staying??" Mari asked

"The whole week..." Liyah said she Mari nodded

"Well enough of that, let's party..." Juice said as we headed to the drink table

"You can drink a lil but don't ova do it..." Mari said looking at Liyah

"Yes ma'am..." Liyah said making Mari pop her playfully

We all grabbed a drink or two and headed into the crowd. Mari got to say hey to everyone that came. She really looked happy and that's makes us feel amazing. I seen Mari walking out the crowd toward me.

"I'm so happy..." she said smiling wrapping her arm around my neck

"I can tell..." I said wrapping my arm around her waist squeezing her ass

"Thank you so much Papa..." she said looking at me smiling

"You're welcome Little One..." I said pulling her closer to me by her waist

She grabbed my chin and pulled me into the most intense kiss.

"Ewwww, get a room..." Liyah said making us pull away laughing

We all went to the dance floor and danced to 4 songs straight. When we was finish we all was done for. Tired wasn't the fucking word bruh. We got another drink and sat down. Mari excused herself and went to the bathroom. While she was in the bathroom we set up her gift table so she could open gift before she got drunk. She took a lil while in the bathroom which had me worried. I was finna go in the bathroom to see if she was okay but then she walked out with this weird expression on her face.

"You alright??" I asked her as we walked to the gift table

"Yes I'm fine..." she said giving me a small smile

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