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It's now 11 and I decided to go check on Indigo. I grabbed my plate and headed downstairs. I took the plate in the kitchen and washed it out then I went into the downstairs room. When I made it in I seen that Indigo was sleep, and was balled up cuz she didn't have on any cover and had the fan on blast. I walked in and grabbed the cover and pulled it over her, she started moving but then she snuggled under the cover. I went into the kitchen and grabbed her a cold bottle of water cuz I know in the middle of the night she wakes up thirsty. I took it in, sat it on the nightstand, then I closed the door back.
I went back upstairs but instead of going in the guest room across the hall, I went into our room. I ran the shower then got in, I bathe myself while listening to music then I got out. I mosturized myself then I air dried while wrapping my hair up. When I finished air drying, I put one of Indigo's big shirts and I laid down in our bed. I put on some low calming music on the tv then I was left in my thoughts.

It's crazy how we went from being in love, can't stop touching each other, and sleeping together . Now her not remembering me, her not looking at me like she did and us not sleeping in the same bed.. not even on the same floor. I know it's going to be a while before she remembers me again. It just sucks because I miss her, even tho she's been a ass towards to me I miss her.

After reminiscing about us for a while I finally called it a night. I grabbed pillows to surround myself, I put some cover over me, then I hit the switch to turn the fan on, I stuck one of my legs out then lastly I went to sleep.

•Next Morning•

I was woken up by a ringing phone.

"Bruhhh What the Fuckkkkk..." I said grabbing my phone off the nightstand

"Helloooo??" I answered high key annoyed

"Why you gotta attitude early this morning for??" T said in the phone, I looked at the clock

"T, you gotta smoking some good dick calling me at 6 in the morning..." I said rolling my eyes

"I don't smoke dick just marijuana, but you wanna go to dinner with Indigo, Aja, and myself??" She finally asked

"Sure T, but why you can't text like a normal person would??" I asked T

"Cuz I'm not a normal bitch Amari..." T said laughing in the phone

"You get on my nerves..." I said

"That's my job..." she said making me roll my eyes

"Anyways don't you go back to work today??" T asked

"Yeah, but I wanted to stay to make sure Indigo is fine but she probably don't want me here..." I said turning over in the bed stretching

I felt a rush of wind hit my girl🐱 I threw the cover back over my lower half

"I know she's going to give you a hard time but she'll come around..." T said

"Yeah, I know but bye cuz I need the rest of my beauty sleep..." I said

"Alright Goodnight..." T said before hanging up

She's such a kid.

I looked at the time, it was only 6:20, I got until 8. So I laid back down and went back to sleep.


My alarm boomed in my ear, I rolled over and pressed stop. Since I know I'm going to be working all day I decided to cook breakfast so it can last until I get off. Before I did my hygiene I took out all the food I needed to let it unthaw while I got myself together. I went upstairs and start getting myself together. I first I started by cleaning up our room, moving my things back to the guest room, then I started doing my hygiene things. I found a yellow tube top jumper, a yellow, white & navy flannel with some white fur slides & I decided to tie the flannel up in the front. I did my hair into a top knot, I decided to leave my face natural just add some fly aways(Lashes baby). I went back downstairs and started cooking breakfast, it took me a good minute, I cooked eggs, bacon (for Indigo cuz she doesn't like sausage), waffles and I put out fruits. After cooking I wrapped Indigo's food up and set it under the light. I fixed my plate and went to the front to watch reruns of That's So Raven on Disney+. After I was done eating I cleaned my mess, went upstairs to grab everything I needed and headed out but not before locking the door.
Gotta make sure Papa's safe😊

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