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It's the night before we leave for our trip. Currently it's like 10:30 and I'm at Sanjay's house in the bed. She's playing the game and I'm eating her snacks watching. She was playing for a while until it started making her mad. She cut it off and got in the tub. After she got out I got in the shower. I was in there for a good 30 minutes just listening to music as I bathe. When I got out and went back into the room, she was back on the game. I got in the bed then got under the covers. I watched her play the game for a while then I got on my phone. I got bored so I put my phone on charger and laid back down after a while I dozed off.
I was awaken by my phone ringing. I didn't even look at who it was I just answered.

"Hello..." I answered

"Don't forget to set a alarm for 5. We got to be there 30 minutes before we load the plane..." I heard Juice say on the other end

"Okay, I'm finna set it..." I told her

"Okay goodnight..." she said

"Night Night..." I said before hanging up

I set a alarm for 5 so we can make it to the airport on time. I look at the time it was 12:45. Sanjay was still playing the game.

"Sanjay come laid down cuz we gotta get up early..." I said touching her with my feet

"Okay..." she said turning off the game then cut off her LED lights

She took off her t-shirt then she got under the covers.

"Come here..." she said

I scooted closer then she pulled me closer until her head was in my neck. I wrapped my arm around her and started playing in her hair. She pulled one of my legs over her then wrapped her arms around my waist while laying in my neck.

"Goodnight..." I heard her muffled 

"Night Night..." I said before kissing her forehead

I closed my eyes and we dozed off
My alarm went off. I tried to turn over but Sanjay had a grip on my waist.

"Sanjay..." I said shaking her a lil but she didn't budge
"Sanjay..." I said shaking her some more, she still didn't move
"SANJAYY!!" I yelled in her ear

"Huh..." she said unwrapping her arms from around my waist and rubbing her eyes

"Come, get up..." I said finally turning around to cut off that annoying alarm

I got up, grabbed my toothbrush and face towel, and headed to the bathroom. I started washing my face when Sanjay came in with her hair all over her head.

"Woah..." I said making her laugh

"When we get done put it in a ponytail for
me..." she said washing her face

"Alright..." I said

After she washed her face, we brushed our teeth, we put in our comfy airport clothes, then I put her hair in a ponytail but I kept mines in my bonnet. While we checked to see if we had everything I ordered a Uber. Within 10 minutes the Uber was here. I grabbed our bags while Sanjay grabbed the 2 suitcases. We put our things in the trunk, we got in, then we where on our way to the airport.

❤️Cuzzo🥤: Wya

Me~ Otw to the airport

❤️Cuzzo🥤: We at bag check we going to be sitting in the middle

Me~ 10-4

❤️Cuzzo🥤: 😂😂

After texting her it took us 15 mins to get to the airport. We got our things out and went in. We went through bag check everything was good. We walked to the sitting area. We walked to the middle where I seen Juice, Jilly, T and Aja.

"Heyyyy..." I said smiling

"Hey big head..." T said getting up walking to me with open arms

"My head isn't big..." I said hugging her laughing

"Hey everyone..." Sanjay said speaking

Everybody spoke back

"I miss you boo..." Aja said hugging me

"Awww..." I said kissing her cheeks which made her smile

"Nah, stop tryna steal my woman..." T said play pouting like a baby

"Awww..." Aja and I said still hugging

After I hugged her Sanjay sat down and I sat down beside her and was leaning against her. After like 5 mins I seen Indigo and Dawn walking toward us.

"Hey y'all..." Indigo said

Some spoke, others including me waved. Her and Dawn took a seat. We all was just sitting waiting on our plane to get called. In like 15 minutes later our plane was being called. We all got up, grabbed our bags and headed to our plane. We all got on the plane. Our seats were close to each other which I liked. Sanjay has a seat next to me. We put our bags up.

"You wanna seat by the window??" Sanjay asked me
I nodded my head yes

"Go ahead..." she said moving aside letting me by

I sat down and she sat beside me.

"You ready??" She asked looking at me smiling

"Yes..."I said with a big smile

"Awww..." she said kissing my forehead

I looked at her and smile.
Everyone finally got on the plane, got seated and settled down. We put our phone on airplane mode while the pilot announced we were getting ready for take off. When we started going it got a lil shaky at first then it slow stopped as we lifted in the air.

"I'm sleepy..." Sanjay said rubbing her eyes

I pulled up the armrest and pulled her on me so she can get comfortable.

"Thanks..." she said getting comfortable on me

"Welcome..." I said rubbing her arms looking out the window enjoy the sky as it brightens up
It was beautiful❤️

The more I looked at the sky, the more I felt my eyes getting lower and lower until they finally closed up...

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