124 | Tasers & Gmie

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TEN. "You have ten seconds to remove yourself from my presence before I taser you like the dirty mutt you are," Gmie said, eyes flickering to the giant hole in her wall. "How did you even do that?"

My fingers massaged my sore neck, thinking it was best to probably be honest with her, so I wouldn't get shot. "I found a hole in the wall and climbed through it, and it led me to a tunnel and I tripped and fell into your wall." Simple without revealing too much.

Still aiming the taser at me while pulling out her IV, Gmie winced as she shuffled out of bed to get to her wheelchair and wheeled over to the hole. Peeking into it, she gasped. "It's like a whole new space." Turning back to me, she held the taser up higher. "Why is there trash in there? Were you spying on me this whole time?"

"No, I just found it."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" she said, eyes narrowing before touching her jagged hair. "You already destroyed my body and hair like the classless thugs you are. Your team could've sent you here to kill me."

"If my team was trying to kill you, they would've sent Rucker instead of me."

"Or Khan," Gmie shot back like his name made her nauseous. "I thought he actually had integrity and class like me. But no. He decided to lower himself and become part of the ghetto hoodlum squad."

"Don't talk about him like that," I blurted out in a harsh tone.

"Hit a nerve?" Gmie laughed. "So, you are giving it up to Jookie and Khan. You're such a whore."

I narrowed my eyes, balling my fist. "Whores get paid, I do it for free." 

"And you're proud of that?" Gmie wrinkled her forehead, waving the taser. "I know my daddy told me that poor people are a species all their own, but you are truly a dense cunt."

"I know someone who murdered their own cousin in cold blood isn't actually judging someone."

That cocky expression dropped from her face faster than a lion's orgasm. "Shut up! You don't know anything," she said, hand clutching tighter around the taser. "Get—"

The tight squeak of shoes slipping on dirt echoed from the hole, cutting her off. We both paused, frozen in place.

"Who is that?" Gmie snapped, turning her taser from me to the open space to me again. "Who did you bring with you?"

"No one," I said, backing up a bit. It had to be the thirteenth contestant. No one else knew about the tunnels. Scorching tremors oozed up the small of my back, fingers numbing. Were they waiting for me?

Gmie slitted her eyes, watching me like she was trying to determine if I was telling the truth or not. Then, her head swerved back to the opening. "So, Khan wasn't talking bullshit out there. The thirteenth contestant does exist."

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