13 | The Ally & The Child Killer

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AFTER SPENDING SOME time in the kitchen, I left, leaving most of my food behind

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AFTER SPENDING SOME time in the kitchen, I left, leaving most of my food behind. Being around Gmie ruined my appetite and made me exhausted, so I thanked Fee for breakfast and ran out as fast as I could.

I didn't get far because Chi-Lynn chased me down.

"Hey, Betinia!" She ran up to me, heels clicking on the wooden floors. "Do you know who you're voting for yet?" she asked, getting straight to the point. "In the upcoming voting session?"

I haven't even thought about that yet. "Umm no."

Her soft hands gripped mine as her eyes looked at me with fresh, long lashes. "I hope it's not me. I want us to be allies," she said. "I'd be a great one. None of these boys can resist me."

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything.

"Please don't let me die," she said, eyelids shaking. "I have a child at home, and he needs me. Please. I must make it back."

Again, I stayed silent, which caused her to increase her grip on my hand. I felt like I needed to say something, or she'd never let me go. "Alright. I understand."

She smiled, jumping up and down. "Thank you. And please don't tell anyone about my child. I don't want them to use it against me in the game. I know you won't though. You have an honest face." Then she scampered off.

Allies? With Chi? Having alliances usually worked well in these types of games, but they could also backfire as well. Trust was the key to a good alliance. Could I trust her? Could you trust a seductress?

She cried on the spot without even thinking about it, which meant she was probably used to getting her way. She probably seduced plenty of men with that tactic alone.

I shook my head. I had no idea who I was going to vote off, but Chi might be a good ally. A seductress could be useful in future challenges, or she could be the death of me. Probably the latter since Chi was friends with Gmie, and she hated my guts.


Three o'clock came around really fast. Everyone sort of met up in the hallway and walked over together to the common room.

Layla wasn't crying anymore, but she looked sullen and depressed. Deep circles caked her brown eyes, and she still had blood on her clothing. She really wasn't coping well.

When we got to the common room, Layla dragged herself over to a recliner and fell into it like she had no energy left.

I also sat on a recliner with my boots tucked up under me. Everyone else found their own spot in the room, mostly on the floor with the huge pillows.

Once we were all settled, Gmie, of course, spoke first.

"Let's start with the basics," she said, sitting on top of a pillow. "Chi, Tiran, and Rucker are all up for elimination tomorrow. I think we should vote off the most murderous. Rucker."

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