108 | The Game Continues...

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SAWS. I snuck a glance at Rucker, and he looked tense as he watched the whirling saws emerge from the walls again and surround him. The one in front of him zoomed a little too close to his package again, only inches away.

Rucker sighed and turned to me, giving me an encouraging smile. "You got this. I know you do." He believed in me, and I wouldn't let him down.

We can do this. Yes, we can. We have too.

"Let's begin," Jookie said, tapping the space in front of him. "Next statement."


Oh, this one's easy. It's truth. Wait, how did you figure it out that fast? Well, in this statement, Swan Lake isn't a real lake. I'm thinking it's the ballet. Remember when we first got here? Jookie danced for us in the kitchen. It was a very elegant dance, and it looked like a form of ballet. So, I just put two and two together. Wait, Jookie was a ballerina?

I glanced at him, looking him up and down.

A slow-burning grin formed on his lips. "Is looking at me half-naked making you horny, my little peach?"

"Quite the opposite actually. I feel my ovaries drying up little by little."

"Insulting me is probably not the best course of action," Jookie said, wiggling his eyebrows. "I can do your punishment now if you want."

"No. I'm good," I said, making him laugh.

He does kind of have the body for it. I could see him being a dancer. He definitely likes to get pampered like one. Yeah, that water he was drinking is like 40 grand a bottle. Okay, back on topic, are you sure about this? That it's truth? You can trust me. I know I fucked up during Layla's murder investigation. I overthought everything and wasn't seeing the full picture. I learned from my mistakes, and I'm better now. Trust me.

I took in a breath and exhaled. Then, I pressed truth.

Everything blazed green. I sighed, and so did Rucker as the saws went back an inch.

"See you got this, B," Rucker said in a light tone even though he still had sweat sliding down his face as the water started to rise even more around him.

"What's the water for?" I asked, watching it come down even faster now from the crack in the ceiling. It was at his chest now.

"This is also a timed game," Jookie said. "If we don't get through the questions in time, he could drown."

"Why didn't you say that before?" I screeched.

"You never asked?" Jookie shrugged.

"Hurry up with the next statement."

"Remember one more wrong—"

"And he's dead, I got it. Go."

The next statement popped up.

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