11 | The King & The Pawn

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WE SAT IN that circle for about ten minutes in straight silence before we began to speak to each other

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WE SAT IN that circle for about ten minutes in straight silence before we began to speak to each other. Everyone wanted to do different things, so we decided to part ways until tomorrow at three. Before we broke apart as a group, we all had to agree to some specific terms.

No killing each other. Not now, anyway. Jookie must be having a hissy fit. He probably wanted us to go for each other's throats right at the start.

We also agreed to leave our third item, the clue to our secret, on the glass table in the common room, so that everyone had an equal chance to look at them. Then everyone just dispersed, some by themselves and others in groups.

The people in groups surprised me. Some people really did know how to make friends fast. Not me. It took me a while to warm up to people. I honestly didn't think I had any real friends. Just a bunch of fake acquaintances I hung out with every day to appear normal.

Before leaving the common area, I made sure to look at everyone's clues. Layla had a weird box puzzle. Fee had a miniature, bloody pigpen. Khan had a single word charm that said, "Parricide." Demo had a list of countries, poor income ones.

Chi-Lynn had a weird clue; she had ten lines of number sequences that only consisted of zeroes and ones. Rucker had pink baby booties, which made Gmie whisper, "child killer."

Gmie was proud of her clue, a letter from Harvard. "My acceptance letter," she said before grinning and waving the sealed envelope around.

Yeah. Be proud of that acceptance letter because you probably won't make it there alive next fall.

Aries had a pride flag while Yaz got a twenty dollar bill as her clue. Sebastian had a King chess piece. It looked like it was from the same set as my pawn.

Did that mean something?

Tiran got a bottle of pills, which he immediately laughed about, saying they were caffeine pills. He used to sell them to students.

Everyone had such weird clues, and I couldn't figure any of them out. Yet. I wondered if any of the contestants were like me and didn't know what their secret was.

Walking to the threshold of the common room, a cameraman moved behind me, zooming in. I didn't know how reality stars did it. Having cameras on me made me feel uncomfortable.

Just when I was about to walk into the hall, Gmie ran over to me out of nowhere, staring up at me with an angry look in her brown eyes. "How did you know?" she snapped, arms folded.

"Know what?" I asked, watching the cameraman come closer to us.

"Jookie," she shouted at me. "How did you figure out what he meant? With the challenge."

I shrugged. "I just thought about it."

"Thought about it?" she mimicked back at me in a condescending tone. Her beautiful face reflected annoyance mixed with frustration. "Are you trying to be a bitch or something?"

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