12 | A New Enemy

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SOME PEOPLE LOVED change. Others hated it. It was funny how people adapted differently to the same situation.

I survived my first night in this hellhole, and I didn't think I was adapting well. After spending my night staring at the left corner because it was the only one without a camera or a picture, I realized that I hated this place, especially my room.

The pictures fucked with me, but I couldn't sleep anywhere else. Sleeping out in the open felt unsafe.

We did promise not to kill each other, at least until after the first voting session, but could we really trust each other? Sebastian came off as a nice guy, but could I trust him? I didn't know.

He did help me feel a little bit more comfortable in the house. We talked for a couple of hours last night, and once that was over, I played with my iPad for a while.

The communication app was easy to find, but I didn't really want to talk to anyone. The Battle of the Killers app, where we could talk to the viewers, caught me off guard. I clicked on it because I was curious, but I didn't know it would automatically sign me in and make me available to chat.

Instantly, comments and questions bombarded me, and some were so vulgar that a porn star would blush. I swore to myself to avoid that live chat at all costs.

Chi-Lynn was very popular in live chat though, taking racy pictures and flirting with everyone. She requested all types of things like a new four-poster bed, makeup, clothing, and a Birkin bag. Why the hell would she need a Birkin bag?

Anyway, everything she put on her wish list she got. She kept putting up request after request, and viewers would tap on it, buying it for her instantaneously.

Even though I did need things, I couldn't imagine requesting things from a bunch of eager strangers. Strangers who were probably betting on whether I would live or die. It was tempting though.

A bed would be nice. The carpeting was plush, but nothing beat a nice, fluffy-firm mattress. I also needed basic necessities like clothing, towels, a toothbrush, and just basic toiletries. I literally had nothing but Khan's jacket, a burned bra, scorched jeans, ashy boots, an iPad and a keychain.

Could I go on for weeks like this? I didn't think so, but I couldn't get myself to request stuff. A part of me thought it was my pride, but it also felt wrong at the same time.

Chi-Lynn wasn't the only one requesting things either. She was the first, but throughout the night, everyone started requesting stuff. I saw beds, televisions, Xboxes, PS4s, basic necessities, snacks, and lots of other things.

The only other person who didn't request was Layla. We were the only ones. Two stubborn wolves together.

Sitting up on the floor, I yawned and stretched, releasing the stiffness in my shoulders. The iPad said that it was 11:30 a.m. I've been in this room for the past seven hours.

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