115 | Don't You Trust Me?

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END. I didn't want any of this to end. I really didn't. Despite the harshness of the game, this experience has been one of the best I've ever had. It's been amazing, and I didn't want to lose it.

"Why do you think it's gonna end?" Khan asked, glancing at me. "Because we know your secret?"

I looked at him. "You do know?"

"Seb told us everything," Yaz said, touching my leg. "We really don't care."

"I mean it wasn't like a shocker," Khan said before laughing. "You did kind of do a one-eighty after you got attacked by Layla's killer."

Yaz laughed. "I know, right? She went from, "Oh Layla" to "I'm gonna fucking kill this bitch."

They all laughed, and I just sat there, confused. Was it really this easy?

Rucker smiled. "Even if they didn't accept you, fuck'em. You can't go through life based on the opinions of other people," he said. "Plus, we're family. We're in this together."

"Yes," Khan said.

"Yeah," Yaz said.

"Yup," Sebastian said.

I smiled, feeling more tears fall, wishing Tini could be here with me. "I really thought you guys might turn me away or think less of me?" Maybe, they really weren't like the rest of the world.

"We didn't like Rucker any less for fucking that girl in front of her daddy and slitting her throat afterwards," Yaz said, turning him. "By the way, what the fuck?"

"Hey, that was epic," Rucker said. "One of the best deaths I ever planned."

"And wrong in so many ways," Yaz said.

Rucker snorted. "I gave her a gift, okay?"

"A gift?" Yaz repeated.

"The gift of my amazingly long dick before she met Satan," Rucker said with a shrug. "I blessed her, okay? The angels would be proud of me."

"I hope the angels spit on you," Yaz said.

Sebastian, Khan and I burst out laughing as Rucker glowered at us.

"Don't entertain, foot knuckles over there," Rucker said.

"Call me that again, and I'm gonna slap the taste out your mouth," Yaz said, glaring.

"I really missed this," I said, laughing as Duke cuddled further into my lap.

"How does it work exactly?" Khan asked unexpectedly, and I looked up. "The alters?" He held up a hand. "If it's too—"

"No, it's fine," I said. "I mean I never really talked about it before, but I don't mind, I think. I'm still cooping and learning about it myself."

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