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MY MEETING WITH the masked figure stayed in my mind as Jookie hustled us down the dim hallway, guards flanking us

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MY MEETING WITH the masked figure stayed in my mind as Jookie hustled us down the dim hallway, guards flanking us. I think it was the surprise of it all. Never would I have thought that I would stare into my mother's face again — artificial or not.

Everything that had to do with my family's past, I buried away, which meant never thinking about it. But with my current surroundings, I had a feeling, that I would be seeing my dead family a lot more, and I didn't know if I could handle that.

Jookie skipped ahead, pausing at the end of the hallway to open the double doors. "Welcome to your common room," he said, walking deeper into the room, feet stepping on soft black carpeting.

Exiting the hallway, we all piled in close together in the middle of the room, taking in the extravagant area. Comfy would be the word I would use to describe this place.

With a crimson and midnight décor, comfy recliners, bean bag chairs and giant, fluffy pillows littered the massive floor. A crimson dome structure caved in the ceiling with artificial skylights that glittered down on the polished, chestnut paneling, glass-metal tables and red-lighted corner bar.

A curved television took over the whole far wall with game consoles, Apple TV, and a Roku attached to it. Stylish abstract paintings slathered the walls, along with carved in bookcases filled with literary texts and cameras that zoomed in at all angles.

Wow. This room must have cost a fortune.

Everyone sort of broke apart, shuffling around and taking everything in. Something on the right wall caught my eyes. At the very top was the date and time: February 20th: 2:16 a.m. and under that it read, "Killer Board" in drippy white lettering.

"This is our point keeping board, where you can keep track of all your points," Jookie said, walking over to the wall.

On the wall, under the date and the drippy white lettering, was all of our pictures, horizontally placed. Our pictures seemed to change expressions, like a gif every so often.

Curved oval glass encased every photo with a glass pipe attaching to the bottom, leading down to a huge hourglass filled with smoky, boiling blood. Tiny bloody boba balls overcrowded the gassy pit, ready to drop into the fiery boxes below, which displayed our current point amount.

Damn, that had to be expensive.

"Isn't it cute how your pictures change with your moods? Your anklet works like a mood ring as well," Jookie said with a wink.

So, they would always know what we were feeling? Every minute of the day? All this just got sicker by the second.

Jookie snapped his fingers, and our names materialized over the top of our pictures. "Let's introduce everyone, shall we?"

One by one, Jookie made us go stand in front of our digital pictures via alphabetical order, showcasing us for the masked, all-black-wearing cameramen that wheeled into the common room moments ago, all sporting full-length video cameras.

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