Never Again!

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I took another gulp of my drink, the glass was now empty. I could see the bartender eyeing my now empty glass with a smile, hoping to refill it.

"You need another shot?" The bartender smiled widely at me. He wasn't older than twenty I guessed.

I nodded as he poured another shot of tequila into my glass, adding ice cubes. I sighed when the rim of the glass touched my lips.

What a mess I had made with my life, what a fuckin' mess, I heaved another sigh. Taking that vacation was to get my head cleared and move on from everything that'd happened in my life, to wash off all the nasty things Helena had said to me, to heal my bruised ego, and to breathe again, it was working fine until Gennie came along. The way she kissed me, the smiles on her face each time I looked at her made me feel so alive. More like the man I was.

I had gone up to return her jacket after summoning enough courage to, only to be told she checked out by noon, She didn't even say goodbye! Why did she leave without saying goodbye?

Gennie was on my mind, it was quite impossible to take her off my mind, off my dreams, since I left New York. She wasn't my first random hook-up, yet she clung to my mind like a speck of stubborn dirt. No matter how hard I tried to wash her off, to forget the little moments together, she still found a way of resurfacing. It was just a few days we'd met yet it felt like I've known her forever.

A smile formed on my lips as I remembered the kinda girl she was, her noddles fiasco was still fresh in my memory.

I was about taking another sip, my phone beeped, I immediately took it out of my hip pocket. Helena. A message from Helena, I grunted as I opened the message.

Wesley, we need to talk now, I'm at home!

I looked up from the screen, fixing my gaze on my glass. What exactly does Helena want to talk about?

I paid for the drink, walked towards the entrance. I got into my car and drove off, as the last finger of light faded from the horizon and starlight replaced the sun.

When I got to the mansion I once called home, my heart tightened, my forehead creased up in anger.

Helena sat in the living room with her legs crossed when I walked in. Her beauty radiated the entire living room.

She stood up from her position on the chair, walking to me with a smile when she noticed me. I tried not to focus on her smiles, they were captivating but I was done being her captive. I was done dancing to her beat.

"I thought you were never gonna come! Well, I'm glad you did!" She said enthusiastically, pulling me to a hug, her cologne now filling my nose.

"What is it you want to talk about?" I cut straight to the chase, taking her hands off of me, her smiles dropped.

"This is your house Wesley, our home, so relax, feel at home! We don't need to rush okay?"

"It's getting late Helena, I don't want to waste any more time here!" I tried to be patient with her.

"You could sleep over if you want! Your bed, I mean our bed is upstairs!" She cooed into my ear.

So clearly, that was what this was all about, an invitation to sleep over, to sleep with her. Why did I fall for this?

I was done with any romantic involvements with her, the feelings we once shared was no longer there. Helena was quite aware of that, she was the first to pick point it, so why was she trying to revive the long-buried feelings?

"If there's nothing to talk about, I'll just leave then!" I said, muffling an exasperated grunt.

"Of course there's a lot to talk about my darling!" She abruptly replied, moving away from me a bit. "Wesley, I don't want this divorce!"

My gaze narrowed at her. She didn't just say that! She herself brought up the divorce first then why the sudden change of heart? Who was she trying to rock in circles with? Certainly not me!

"What do you mean you don't want this divorce? Helena this isn't a joke!" I snapped.

Helena was a manipulative woman, a dangerous one at that. Helena was the kinda woman that would lead a man to his early grave. I was foolish for her once, but not anymore!

"I'm not joking Wesley, I still love you and I want my marriage to work!"

If I didn't know her quite well, I would've jumped up and down in excitement right there, but it was no news to me. I didn't believe her. I would rather live the rest of my life wallowing in misery than to get back with her.

"You seriously fuckin' think this marriage can work? Don't be delusional! You can't juggle two men!"

"Don't you dare bring Pete into this! Pete and I are over!" She pitched dramatically.

"Listen to yourself! You cheated on me, on our marriage, you defiled our home by bringing your lover into our home in the name of a carpenter. Helena, there's no need to continue rocking in circles. We're getting this divorce and that's final!" I clenched my jaw as the awful sights I walked into months ago floated on my mind.

"Baby that was months ago, we broke up, he's now in my past. It's you I want my love. Don't talk so rashly, our marriage isn't over, it's not!"

"Helena the sooner you accept it the better for you!" I said firmly.

Instantly, her temper grew.

"You're not going to walk out on me after all I've sacrificed for you!"

"Don't you dare talk about sacrifices, don't you dare fuckin' talk about sacrifices, you know quite well what I sacrificed for you, to be with you!" I yelled, my voice reverberated round the living room.

"Then stay baby, please, stay let's make this work!" Her tone was surprisingly very low and she arched closer, taking my jaw.

Immediately, I pulled back, making her hand drop.

"I don't want this any longer Helena and that's final! As you said, Pete makes you happy, Pete is capable of giving you what I can't, so go back to your true happiness!"

She scowled at me. "You're my true happiness! Wesley, you're my true happiness!" She stepped in closer. "Maybe if we had children, maybe our marriage would've worked!"

"Ahh! Don't go there! Don't you fuckin' go there!" I held up my hand gesturing her to be quiet and she instantly went dead silent.

I turned away, heading towards the door, I could feel all my nerves protruding from my skin, my blood boiling inside of me. Helena was a nightmare, one I wanted to get away from, but it was like I was stuck in the mare.

When I got to my apartment, I went straight to my bar. Poured myself a drink and dropped to the sofa. I took a sip of the drink.

Maybe if we had children, maybe our marriage would've worked!

Her words came back to my mind. Helena was a witch, a hideous one!

When we planned our lives together, she never wanted any kids, she had a phobia for childbirth. I never wanted any kids as well, we never wanted children so why did she bring that up?

I heaved a sigh, the temper was consuming me. I needed to get distracted.

My life was now horrendous, one I wondered if I was being punished by fate. My personal life was encroaching on my work. I had gotten multiple queries the previous weeks when I returned from New York. I couldn't move back to the barracks, no that was the last option.

New York was supposed to be a medicine that would've healed me from these headaches and uncertainties. Yet, it felt like it was a mistake, getting involved with Gennie was a mistake. But for once, I could live, could smile without thinking of my problems until Helena disrupted.

She would never have a part in my heart again, Helena would never have another chance to ruin me again! Never!

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