28. Coming out to sister

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Star's POV:

I grab my bag and quickly run downstairs to my car. Sending a quick omw to Nina I drive to her house.

It's been a month since classes started. While Lindsay and I are taking classes for architecture together, Jake and Nina studying medicine at the NYU campus about 10 mins from mine while Jane and Jocelyn are at Harvard to become lawyers. Everything has been pretty smooth since the skating park incident with Daniella. She's disappeared once again. I honestly have no idea what her problem is. Hopefully there's no next time we meet or if we happen to do she better be changed.

Jake and Jocelyn are doing long distance and are still going strong. It's a good thing because they're definitely a good pair. Nina and I are going great too. We still go on dates every 2 weeks once. But the assignments have already started to pile up and it's starting to get stressful real quick.

Soon I stop in front of the Jensen's household, waiting for my queen to arrive.

"Hey beautiful. Good morning" I greet as she enters the car.

"Hey you, is that my hoodie?" She squints looking at the black hoodie I'm wearing. It's pretty big on me and I'm sure I look like a homeless drug addict with the black jean and worn out white converse I'm wearing but it smells like her and I love her hoodies. It's comfy.

"Yeah I stole it last week" I said as I started driving.

"Maybe you should just take all of my clothes and I should take yours" she said rolling her eyes.

"Good idea but only a few of yours look good being big on me and let's face it all of mine are small on you" I said giggling.

"Right. You're so skinny, I think you're actually shopping from kids section" she teased making me gasp.

"How did you know?!" I faked shock while she just laughed.

"Please you're tall sure but you're definitely buying from kids boys section because you hate the girls section. 'Not too many options' was what you said right?" She said with air quotations.

"Yeah really though. Girls section T shirts sucks. Can't find one Marvel or graphic T shirts" I rolled my eyes at the stereotypical clothings at shops.

"True that"

We continued in silence until I dropped her off at the parking lot.

"See you later?" She asked walking with her back to the building.

"Yeah I'll pick you up. 4 right?" She nodded smiling and waved before going inside. God I love this girl. We don't even have to say 'I love you' in words all the time and we don't always have to converse or constantly text each other to be close.

Sure I can be clingy sometimes but it wasn't too much and she understands that I don't talk much. We value our silence as much as our words. Unlike my ex girlfriend, who needed me to constantly text with her every time we weren't together which was almost all the time except the rare monthly once dates or the few times she comes over. It was nice at first, but then after the first time we had sex, it was all she wanted to do when we hung out at my house or her dorm. Thankfully we're over, I haven't seen her again and she doesn't go to the same university as me. Sure she sent an apology text a few months ago but I only replied to accept the apology and we haven't contacted ever since.

I quickly drive to my campus which is only about 10 mins away from hers.

It was good to have someone in all the classes and it being Lindsay is only more fun. I'm not really that lonely at classes anymore like in highschool and it feels good to have someone that would make sure I'm not slacking.

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