15. Expect the unexpected

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Nina's POV:

Star's here. Once again. In my room, sitting on my bed with me while we watched Harry Potter. Her choice obviously. If I thought she was a nervous wreck last time, it was worse now. I knew why. And sitting with my arm over her shoulders while my fingers caressed her skin definitely didn't help.

She looked like she could die any moment. Her breathing was heavy and loud. When I asked her if she was okay she could barely answer. Just nodded while staring at the screen of my laptop. It was amusing to watch her like that. To know I had such an effect on her.

With my smug smile I pulled her closer so we were cuddling close. She bit her lip and closed her eyes to compose herself, only to fail miserably. Soon the movie was over and I've never seen her look so relieved before. I moved to put the laptop away while she sat up cross legged again the headboard.

I smirked and decided to tease her. Slowly walking over to her, I sat kneeled in front of her, faces inches away from each other. The way her eyes widened made me almost laugh. Slowly I put my hands on her waist, she started blushing furiously. She looked so cute, looking away to hide her blush. Suddenly I started tickling her.

Laughing and kicking and flailing her arms at me, she desperately tried to get away. I missed balance and fell on top of her. Both of us gulped at the closeness. Whatever came over me, I pressed my lips against hers and heard her gasp. But soon our lips were moving in perfect sync. Fireworks exploded and I felt like my body was on fire.

Sucking and biting each others lips, sending shivers down our spine, I moved my lips down to kiss her neck. Sucking so gently not to make a mark before reconnecting our lips. I was enjoying it way too much. We had to stop because of her phone ringing from her pocket. We both sat up with her on my lap. When the position changed, I do not know.

She quickly responded to whoever called and pressed a quick kiss on my forehead before moving away. I was still panting from the heated make out session. Both of us too shocked to talk. But I did anyway. "You'll find your person" It sounded stupid. And it was. But I had no other words. She didn't respond but stood up to leave. Walking her to the door, I let her hug me quickly before rushing her out.

Soon I collapsed on my bed and thought about what happened. It confused me and I didn't understand what to do. It wasn't like anything I've felt before. Too intense. I decided to avoid because there were too many questions that I refuse to find answers for.

Star's POV:

"... Wait wait wait. You're telling me that the girl you've been in love with for 7 months kissed you?! Oh MY GOD THAT'S GREAT!! How did it happen? Tell me everything", literally squealing on the other side of the phone was my friend Alisha.

"Will you calm down? Yeah? Thanks. So yes she kissed me. It was awesome. We were actually watching Harry Potter. Yes not some romantic movie sorry not sorry. She had her arm over my shoulder and I couldn't fucking breathe. Her fingers were moving up and down my arm. Oh my god it felt awesome even though I was breathless. Movie ended, she put the laptop away and kneeled in front of me while smirking. She looked hot oh gosh. I lost it when our lips met. It was so FUCKING AWESOME! Like yes I imagined how it would be to kiss her but let me tell you it was awesomer than I thought. Oh shut up I don't care if 'awesomer' isn't a word. There was sparks, body on fire, shivers down the spine, her lips were so soft, words aren't enough to explain it" I sighed and laid back on my bed with a grin on my face.

"Wow. That sounds intense. I'm happy for you. But what does this mean? You think she likes you?" She asked. "I don't know. She didn't look exactly happy with the kiss when I was leaving. She said 'you'll find your person'. And she hasn't answered my texts yet. I'm afraid she regrets everything.." I replied, unsure of what's gonna happen.

"I hope everything will be okay. Give her time"

"Yeah. Thanks. I should get going, talk later Ali. Bye" I hung up on her and put my phone away. I had a feeling Nina's reply isn't gonna be a good one. And I was right.

Two days later she replied:

"I'm sorry Star, this was a mistake. I didn't mean it to happen. I'm sorry to lead you on. I don't know why I did it. I think.. We should stay away from each other. It's for the best. I'm sorry. Please don't text me back."

I knew it. Tears were streaming down and I couldn't stop it. The mere thought of not talking to her anymore hurt me a lot. Soon I was sobbing into my pillow, with no control over my emotions. I shouldn't have let her kiss me even if she was the one initiated.

Days passed and I was still hurt. With my birthday tomorrow, I wasn't excited even a little bit. Nothing excited anymore. Everything reminded of her. It was like a non existent break up happened.

She still wished for my birthday. I felt a little happy but it wasn't enough. Thankfully my cousins managed to keep me from staying inside my head. But it didn't last long. I was dreading school. In a few days I'll have to see her again but stay as far as possible.

The thought was depressing enough to put me back to my old habits. Practically living in my bed and refusing human interaction, occasional breakdown and punching was the routine.

A few days later, school starts

I entered the school doors with no particular emotion. I was a mess, inside and out but I had to hide it. I couldn't handle seeing her and that's why I had changed my classes so I don't have to see her everyday at class. If we happen to cross each other, it would be near lockers and I planned on trying to not get in her way, so that she wouldn't have to see me and feel guilty.

Just my luck, I saw her by her locker, listening to Jocelyn talk about something. Tears filled my eyes but I quickly blinked them back, swallowing the lump in my throat. Moving past her as discreetly as possible, I made my way to my classroom, far from hers. I was already dreading the upcoming days or weeks or worse.. months.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Vote and comment! Take care everyone❤️

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