27. Roller skating park is fun when you don't run into bitches

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Nina's POV:

"Mom? Say something?"

I'm currently sat on the counter while my mom cooked dinner. She dropped the knife and turned towards me.

"Well, this is awkward but I take it you and Star are dating. Since when?"

"Little over 4 months. We uh made it official after few weeks of dating" This is extremely awkward. My parents never knew about my past relationship. In fact they didn't want me to date until I was done with studies. Pretty strict.

"Oh. Okay. Um obviously I support you guys, I'm not against you dating a girl but what does that make you? What's it called? Labels?" She questioned.

I sighed in relief when she said it out loud that she supports us. "I'm not sure mom. I still find guys attractive but as for girls only Star has caught my eye. Sure there are hot girls but I'm not sure. Not so keen on labels" I shrugged as she continued chopping some vegetables.

"Okay then. As for what I almost walked in earlier, we're setting some ground rules. Open door when you're alone in your room with her. Anytime you guys go out, even if it's with friends, you let me know as usual. I assume you don't want to let your father know yet?"

I nodded while smiling grimly. "Yeah. Not yet. I mean I wasn't ready to tell you but uh this happened. I just need some time to accept myself mom. But I'm really glad you're supportive of us" I hopped off the counter and gave her a side hug.

"Oh sweetie it's alright. I'm glad and proud of you. I've seen several couples at the hospital. But remember the rules and you do not let this deter your studies. Okay? Can you promise that?"

"Yes I promise. Thank you again" I smiled, feeling relieved.

"You're welcome. Now tell me about her. I've only seen her a few times. She seems like a sweet girl"

"She's super kind and gentle mom. So understanding and patient. Honestly one of the best people I've ever met" I smiled bashfully under my mom's curious gaze.

Soon she was smiling and we continued with making dinner.


29th August

3 more days until classes start. Star, Jake, Lindsay and I were the only ones staying in New York while the rest: Jane and Jocelyn were going to Harvard. Future lawyers in the make.

Josie: hey why don't we all hang out one last time?

Jake: yess please

Nina: sure where to?


Lindsay: uh idk how to skate

Star❤️: I'll teach you please let's go there?

Jake: done. I'll bring the truck around and pick you all in an hour

It was only 10 in the morning. I waited until 5 mins before Jake texted to let me know he's on his way to mine, to get ready. Who needs hours to get ready? Definitely not me. Throwing on a BTS T shirt that Star had gifted for my birthday and a hoodie with black jeans and Vans I grabbed my purse and phone before making my way down to wait for them.

Soon we were on our way to the roller skating park.

"Hey babe" I quickly kissed Star's lips after wrapping by arms around her waist.

"Hii" she grinned before snuggling into my arms. I swear she's a literal baby sometimes.

I helped her out of the car as we arrived. "Such a gentlewoman" she grinned.

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