Chapter 98. In the middle

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You are not at fault, Sandhya; stop blaming yourself for something you didn't do. Were you aware that Ayush would get assaulted on his birthday? Did you know that Ved would get beaten up by that motherfucker while saving his best friend? Do you really think everything happened because of the doll you gifted Ayush?

No, I didn't think so, but I couldn't deny the fact that Ayush got hurt. I also knew very well that he didn't blame me entirely but there was a part of him which still blamed me for what he suffered. And he was right - it was Ved who was beside him all the time, and I wasn't there when he needed me. But again, I didn't vanish on purpose... If I had known something like that would happen, I would have killed that man myself.

"Sandhya, out of my classroom this instant!" Mehta Sir scolded.

"Sorry, Sir," I mumbled and got up from my seat.

He narrowed his eyes at me and asked me what was going on with me nowadays. Yesterday, I was zoning out in the classroom, smiling like a goof and today, I was staring at the wall blankly with no expressions on my face. Instead of giving him an excuse, I apologized again and left the classroom.

I wasn't concentrating as it is, and I was tired of Surbhi and Parth asking me why I was looking like a zombie and trying to stuff me with food to cheer me up. Even my girl gang was worried when they saw my condition in the morning, but just like I did with my parents, I told them that I watched a really emotional movie and cried all night.

They had a hard time believing me and it wasn't their fault because I was keeping them in dark on purpose. Apart from Nikhil and Ayush, no one knew the real reason behind my current behaviour. To avoid any interrogation, I was isolating myself and spending more time in the library.

I knew my actions were totally opposite of what I had intended but I just couldn't keep yesterday's events out of my head. Ayush's words kept echoing in my ears, his tear-stained face kept flashing in front of my eyes and his devasted look kept reminding me that I failed to keep my promise.

So, just like Mehta Sir's class, I got thrown out in other two classes, got scolded by my Coach for not focusing in the volleyball practice, got in a fight with Mahek when she accused Shree of not paying her more attention after that 'Beauty and the Beast' play, and almost got myself in an accident just outside the college gates.

As for my Princess... it was really hard to stay away from him - I didn't want to do that at all. Just like others, he got worried that I was being aloof and when he enquired me about it, I pulled out my acting skills, gave him the same excuses and tried to distract him by throwing nonsense jokes at him.

When I sensed that he was getting suspicious, I called Nikhil for help, who managed to get me out of the tough situation but managed to piss off Ved whenever he came between us. As for Ayush, I could say he was happy to see me not bothering Natural Heater, though he looked a little sad somehow.

As I had already dehydrated myself by crying all evening on my terrace and worrying my parents over my sudden outburst, I managed to go through a torturous day and left for home as soon as the last bell rang. While taking out my scooter from the parking lot, I noticed Ved making his way towards me with a frowned expression, but fortunately, Nikhil arrived on time and saved me from blurting out everything as soon as I saw Ved.

After a lot of bantering and awful performance from both Nikhil and me, we escaped before Ved turned into Red Hulk. I was really thankful that Nikhil was helping me by accompanying me and trying to keep me busy with his lame jokes; if he wasn't talking non-stop, I would have surely landed myself in a drain.

Once I got home, I retired to my room, followed by Nikhil. As soon as he closed the door, I burst out crying, and he gave me the tissues from his bag. I had already emptied out my stock, so he bought some more for me on our way. He sat beside me on the bed and let me cry all I wanted.

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