Chapter 38. Liar liar pants on fire

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"Where were you last Sunday?"

"What? Last Sunday? I... I don't remember," Mahek replied.

I narrowed my eyes at her. She didn't remember? How can she not know where she was just a few days ago? I stepped a bit closer and asked again. She gave me a confused look and I challenged her to speak up the truth.

Shree glanced between us and tilted his head at her when she couldn't answer me. Her face paled for a second and I smirked. I just had to pressurize her a little bit more and she would speak up the truth herself.

"Tell me, Mahek Rathi. Where were you?" I stressed my words.

Surbhi asked my why I was investigating Mahek like she had committed a crime. I told her to wait and she furrowed her eyebrows. Others also waited in anticipation for Mahek's answer but she wasn't speaking a word.

"What happened, baby?" Shree asked and Mahek put her head down, trying to avoid everyone's gaze. Feeling guilty now? She should have thought about it before cheating on him.

"Your baby wasn't with you, right?" I asked Shree and he nodded his head.

"So tell us Mahek where you were and what exactly you were doing. Or do you want me to do it for you?" I whispered the last sentence so that only she could hear it. I started describing her appearance that day but stopped mid way to check her reaction.

She flinched a bit but I saw a change of expressions on her face even if she hid it under her hair. She glanced up at me and gave me a cynical smile.

"You want to know where I was?" she asked in a low voice. I nodded my head but I saw Shree pull her closer to him. She was trembling. She moved her hair behind her ear and looked at me with tearful eyes.

What the fuck?!

Did she had an invisible bottle of glycerine hid in her hair or what? How did she manage to cry in mere seconds. She turned towards Shree and grabbed his hands. Her lips quivered as she forced the words out of her mouth. I was shocked.

"Baby... please don't hate me." She broke down crying and Shree supported her. He looked at me in accusation and I just stared at Mahek flabbergasted.

Was she playing the sympathy card here? But wait. Was she finally going to speak the truth now? Just do it already. Why was she taking so much footage?

The scene infront of me looked like something directly out of a soap opera. She was the damsel in distress who was being falsely accused by a vamp, which in this case was me. Her hero was holding her tight against his chest while caressing her hair. Others looked upon like an audience waiting for the climax.

"Baby... I am sorry," Mahek cried.

Oh, what the hell? Just say it already! My patience was running thin now.

"I was- I was... last Sunday... I lied to you. I didn't want to but I had to. For-forgive me."


"I lied to you that I was going to visit my cousin but I actually went..." She stopped to take deep breaths.

Went behind your back and cheated on you. Come on, you are almost there.

"I went to visit my grandmother."

Say what?!

"She is really sick and is counting her last days. I didn't tell you because I knew, you will get worried and I didn't want to see my baby sad." She burst out crying loudly and acted like she couldn't control her sobs. Everyone looked at her with pitiful eyes and Divya even began to console her.

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