Chapter 69. I want to hug you

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I filled my plate with almost everything I saw on the buffet and made my way towards the tables. As expected, I got late and every seat looked occupied. I roamed my eyes around the diner and spotted Surbhi.

Unfortunately, she was busy in a conversation with her teammates, and there was no vacant spot beside her. So, I waited for some time, and then my eyes landed on my crush. Priyaank.

I quickly walked in his direction and grabbed the spot beside him; on his right. When Priyaank noticed me, he gave me a small smile and asked me why I got so late. I made a silly excuse that I lost track of time, and he continued eating.

I acknowledged my other team members who were sitting there, but my smile faltered when I saw Mahek sitting across from us. She was not looking happy, and I knew why. She must have tried to sit beside Priyaank, and he must have refused indirectly.

I gave her a tight-lipped smile and focused back on my plate. I talked to my team leader in between and kept acting like an idiot. I was sure that if I kept behaving like that, he would find out eventually.

He was telling something to the guy beside him, and I used that time to admire him. He was a little taller than me and lean in build. His fashion sense was quite good too. I hoped he wasn't already taken.

As I was daydreaming about all the scenarios, I felt a hand on the top of my head, and my head was twisted to the front in a snap and bent down.

"Focus on your food, Sandhya," Ved said sternly and plopped down beside me.

I glanced at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are you sitting here?"

"My will," he deadpanned.

"This is not your table," I argued.

"So what? It isn't like your name is written here."

I pursed my lips at his reply. He shrugged his shoulders, and I gave up. There was no use arguing with him. Why did I always forget that? I sighed and moved my eyes to the food in front of me. Meanwhile, I felt Mahek's blazing glare on me.

I ignored her, just like the others were doing. I tried to talk to Priyaank, but Ved would disturb me everytime. He said a lot of irrelevant things, and if I wasn't surrounded by so many people, I would have stabbed him with the fork.

"Oh Ved! Your plate is empty. Wait, I will bring some more food for you," Mahek chirped and started getting up from her seat after giving him a million dollar smile.

"Did I ask you to?" Ved snapped and fixed her with his cold stare.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to Mahek. She was stunned by Ved's reply; her cheeks turned a shade of pink, and she blinked rapidly. I glanced at Ved who was looking at her with narrowed eyes-it didn't look good.

Mahek slowly shrunk back in her seat and pouted. Everyone started murmuring, and she poked her food in annoyance. I looked at her in disappointment, but felt bad too. She was just offering her help, but Ved shot her down rudely.

Then again, she didn't deserve any sympathy. I forgot who she was. She would never get tired of making passes on guys even when she had a boyfriend.

What the hell is she doing here? Shouldn't she be with Shree? She should be with her boyfriend instead of wooing other guys. But who am I kidding? I don't expect anything else from her.

I turned my head towards Ved when he poked my right cheek with his index finger. He was smiling widely, showing his perfect white teeth, and his eyes were twinkling. I just stared at him for a minute in disbelief. He was glowing like a light bulb.

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