Chapter 51. I don't care

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( 🚨 Really Long chapter ahead 🚨 )


What was going on here? Why were there so many trucks lined up in front of the gym?

I saw some men in blue uniforms taking out huge cardboard boxes and gym equipments from the trucks and transporting them upstairs. I furrowed my eyebrows and thought of asking them what they were doing.

"Hey, Kid! Hurry up. I got lots of work for you." I looked up when Rajeev shouted from the balcony and went back.

I climbed the stairs while avoiding getting hit by the working men on my way. My eyes widened when I reached the first floor and got in my workplace. Everything was scattered all over the place and Rajeev was yelling orders at the two men who almost dropped a treadmill.

I approached him and tapped his shoulder from behind. He turned around and gave me a huge smile. He handed me the clipboard he was holding and told me to go back downstairs and cross-check the items being unloaded. I opened my mouth to ask him what he was doing but he rushed me out and got back at yelling at the workers.

I squeezed my way through the men and got down on the ground floor. I took an update from one of the workers and started my work. Man, there was so much material Rajeev had ordered. Did he win a lottery or something? I was sure the expense was in lakhs.

Halfway through my supervising, I noticed that the workers had gotten tired and their pace had also slowed down. I asked them for how long they had been working and was informed that it had been three hours of non-stop work. Some of them didn't even had lunch and were rushing to complete the task so that they could go and eat.

"Stop the work!" I announced.

"What happened, madam?" one of the men asked in worry.

"Hey! Why did you all stop? We still got lot of things to get upstairs," Rajeev's cousin complained.

"We are taking a break," I replied and told everyone to go to the gym.

They exchanged glances with each other and I told them to not worry. I followed them and Rajeev questioned few of them why they were here instead of working. They pointed towards me and I told them to make themselves comfortable.

"What are you doing, kid?" Rajeev asked.

"Chilling," I grinned as I sat down on one of the chairs.


"Yup. All of them are working for so long without a break. They need a rest. Not everyone is strong like you. Also, I think that if we want to work efficiently, we should have our stomachs full." I patted my tummy and told him I was hungry.

Rajeev shook his head with a small smile and told the rest of the workers to halt the work. He then told his cousin to make a list of what everyone wanted to eat. His cousin did as ordered and everyone thanked him. I stopped him when he was leaving to buy the food and started telling him what I wanted to eat.

"Why aren't you writing it down?" I asked when I saw him just standing still.

"Who the hell are you to order me around?" he huffed.

"Excuse me?" I frowned.

"Don't act like you own this place." He stared at me coldly.

"Dhruv, get going already!" Rajeev yelled.

Dhruv nodded in response and pushed past me. What got into him? Hm? Maybe he was just exhausted with all the work. Rajeev must have grilled him too much.

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