Chapter 49. Pass it!

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Hurray! Free class!

May God bless the teacher. I was really tired with the revision classes and mock tests. Everyone was pressurising us like it was our board exams.

It was just the first semester, man. The teachers should lay back a little and let us enjoy our time.

Me, Surbhi and few of our classmates were strolling around the football ground while some guys from our class and the football team were playing a match. I wished there would be a girls' team too. Maybe I should talk about it with Mayank.

"Sandhya! Pass the ball!" Parth shouted.

I noticed the soccer ball rolling past me and I ran behind it. I stopped it with my right foot before it went too far and picked it up with my finger tips because the ball was covered with mud. I turned around and jogged in Parth's direction.

Just when I was about to throw the ball, I stopped and put it back on the ground. Parth looked at me in confusion and motioned for me to give him the ball. Other boys also started yelling but I ignored them.

"I am going to kick it. Be ready!" I announced and before Parth could register what I said, I kicked the ball.

It flew over his head in a slight curve to the right direction in its trajectory and covered quite a long distance before it landed on the ground. One of the players caught it and gave me a thumbs up.

"You can play soccer?" Parth asked in shock.

"It was a bluff shot," I laughed.

"Want to join us?"

"Can we?"

"Of course. There is no rule that says girls and boys can't play together," he said and I chuckled.

I asked Surbhi along with few other girls and they all agreed. We joined Parth and he took us to meet his team. He informed them we would be playing with them and they all welcomed us enthusiastically, except one.

Ayush crossed his arms across his chest and expressed his displeasure.

Parth divided the teams and unfortunately for my ex-best friend, he ended up with me. Fortunately, he was the team captain. Surbhi and Parth were on the same team and challenged me to win. I told Ayush that we must not lose and like always, he ignored me.

After both the teams were ready with seven members each, we took our positions. Ayush explained the different roles and basic rules to everyone but I knew no one got all of those in their heads. I had to stop him when he started going in details, which he didn't appreciate but had to agree with when he saw our blank faces.

The whistle blew and everyone got in action. I thought they would go easy on us since girls were playing too but they were fighting like Spartans for that tiny ball. Ayush was also in a beast mode and I couldn't control myself from expressing my surprise.

He was totally different from his usual calm and introverted self. But I was happy that he was happy. I was sure I had not seen him smile so genuinely except for when he was always with Ved. I wished he would smile at me too.

"Pass the ball, idiot!" he shouted at me.

I noticed the ball just a few metres away from me and ran after it. My foot was mere inches away from coming in contact with it, but Parth stole the ball away from me at a lightening speed and smirked when he saw my shocked expression.

"Fuck! What the hell are you doing?!" Ayush yelled and chased Parth.

"Sorry," I squeaked out and he shook his head.

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