Chapter 63. Great idea

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"Are you ready, Shreyas?"


"Let's do it then. We will finish this before the sun sets."

Shreyas and I fist bumped and looked at our targets. There were a lot of them but we were not going to back off. We glanced at each other and marched toward our mission.

We handed out the flyers to the students of the First year, no matter from which department they were. We had positioned ourselves near the entry gates and we didn't mix up the juniors with the seniors, thanks to their Student IDs.

Blue meant first year, red meant second year and yellow was for third year. It made our work really easy. Though no one wore the IDs once they were inside the college premises, they had to show it to the security to get entry.

For two hours, Shreyas and I distributed the pamphlets and one time, Shreyas even got in an argument with a bunch of boys. The guys threw the papers on the ground after taking them and Shreyas was in mood to let his hard work go to waste.

I butted in before my friend beat up the guys or it could have been the other way also. After resolving the matter, the guys left and we continued our work. Soon, it was time for our lectures and we were hungry too.

After attending our classes and lunch break, Shreyas and I completed our work really fast. Both of our boxes were empty and we went to Mayank to boast about it, but he wasn't surprised once we met him.

He just gave us a huge smile and gave us one more task. He told us to go in every class and announce that every student must be present in the auditorium after the last lecture. We shook our heads and started walking away but he caught us.

"You have no choice. Either do as I say or suffer for the rest of your year," he threatened.

"Why are you torturing only us? There are other students too!" I complained and Mayank smirked.

"First of all, I am your senior. Give me some respect. And second, you guys need to participate in co-curricular activities. Shreyas, you are absent most of the time and I know you are participating in some singing program," he said and took a dramatic pause.

"How do you know?" Shreyas asked in a low voice.

"I know a lot of things, my boy. So, here is the deal. Do the work and don't worry, it is the last favour I am asking for. It will benefit you in the end and if you don't do so, I will just announce to everyone that you are S'Flow."

Shreyas and I exchanged a panicked look. "How could you threaten us like this?" I asked.

"Come on. It is for your own sake. I will take care of your attendance if you do so and you will never have to worry about missing lectures. Sounds cool, right?" he offered and I saw Shreyas getting convinced.

He was about to nod but I grabbed his head. I narrowed my eyes at Mayank who was trying to hypnotize Shreyas with his words.

"Why should we believe you? We need proof," I demanded and Mayank rolled his eyes.

"What an ungrateful child." He shook his head.

"I promise I will do everything I mentioned and I will change my name if I don't do so," he said and we thought for a minute.

Shreyas was totally ready for it since he would receive a lot of benefits. He could concentrate on his music without worrying about his poor attendance. As for me, I didn't see much profit for myself. I daily came to college and all of my assignments were also done on time.

But Mayank had always helped me whenever I was down and took care of me like an older brother. I decided to help him and return the favour even if it was a bit. After a few minutes, Shreyas and I agreed, and Mayank smiled. He thanked us and we left to complete our second task.

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