Chapter 62. Road Runner

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After what happened yesterday, the only thing that I did when I saw Ved was to run. We had the same lectures but I never went even in a ten meters radius of him nor made any eye contact.

Ayush was absent again and I knew he must be taking a rest at home. His attendance was irregular but since his father was an influential person, Ayush didn't need to worry about that. He was allowed to study from home and he could send his assignments through his helper or someone else.

But there was one thing for sure. His health was not good and though he played soccer, he was suffering through some mental problem. And I knew I was responsible for it some or another way. I wanted to ask about it but I was too scared to do so.

I was sure that if I even took Ayush's name in front of Ved, he would bury me in the ground without thinking. So, I always ran away whenever lectures got over and during lunch, I made some excuse to Surbhi and left earlier than usual.

I was worried about Ayush, but I knew I could do nothing in that matter. I wasn't aware of what I did for him to act like that and I didn't think I would be able to help even if I got to know.

Moreover, he had Ved to take care of him. He didn't need me. He never did. I was the only one who kept pestering him and made him my best friend by force when we were kids. I was really fond of him-I still am but it was never mutual.

I was sure he tolerated me just because he had no other choice. I didn't give him one. I always relied on him to solve my fights with Ved and made him stay by my side. I used to complain to him about Ved everytime and he always understood my side.

I wished I had a time machine to go back in the past and beat my younger self and put some sense in her. I was a complete brat, and I enjoyed pulling pranks on others; mostly Ved.

While going down the memory lane, I didn't realise that I was walking without looking where I was going, and I banged into a wall. And yes, it was actually a wall this time and not some guy. I rubbed my forehead and stepped back.

I wanted to punch the brick wall but realised it would only hurt me in the end. I continued on my way but suddenly halted when I saw Ved in front of me. He was staring at me with narrowed eyes and no emotions on his face.

Run Sandhya! Run!

So, that's what I did. I turned on my heels and ran like Road Runner. I heard Ved calling my name but I didn't reply and kept running till I reached somewhere. I didn't know where I was. Some students glanced at me curiously but I ignored them.

After a few seconds, I noticed that I was on the second floor, in the Second Year students' section. I rested my back to a pillar and drank some water. I looked out from the corridor to check if Ved was anywhere near. He wasn't.


I turned around on hearing Rajeev's voice. He asked me if I was okay and I nodded my head. Soon after, Mayank also appeared and when he saw my state, he began laughing. I shot him a glare but he went into a laughing fit.

He knew I was avoiding Ved like my life depended on it, and he tried to make me understand that I was safe, but I didn't believe him. Rajeev told him to calm down and asked me what I was doing in senior section.

"Just strolling," I lied and punched Mayank on the shoulder when he opened his mouth to tease me.


On hearing Ved's voice, my eyes widened and I quickly ducked behind Rajeev. Ved strode towards us and stopped in front of Rajeev. He looked at me and I grabbed Rajeev's left hand as a support.

"What's up, Ved? How is your basketball practice going?" Rajeev asked.

"It is going fine, bhaiyya," Ved replied but his eyes were on me.

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