16. Jake

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Luna's POV
It's been almost a month since I've seen my dad. Tonight is the night when the two packs are supposed to meet but I don't have a pack. I only have my dad. I told Coby I wanted to see him but he didn't think it was a good idea.
"Luna, he thinks you died that night. How will we explain it."
"I'll tell him I ran away with you."
"He won't buy it"
"Of course he will, what other explanation could there be."
He's pacing back and forth "we don't let full humans know we exist Luna. This is to keep us safe, they would hunt us and experiment on us."
" you can trust my dad."
"The Elders won't allow it"
"What if we get a witch to wipe his memory after"
"That's never been done before Luna."
"So we ask permission"
"What if they say no"
"Why are you fighting me on this Coby?"
He sighs and says "fine, l'll set up a meeting. This will delay the ritual. We are running out of time."
"Why not ask to do the ritual first, it might help our case."
"Okay, so that would mean we will be bonded tonight Luna." He smiles big and I smile in return.
Things have been easier since we slept together and I can block my thoughts, almost normal.
He's been in there all morning, I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing. I'm starting to get annoyed. I've been waiting outside the double doors and only leaving for pee breaks. I tried to listen through the door but you can't hear anything. Nina came over and asked if I wanted breakfast but I declined. I regret that now because who knows how long this will take. I decide there's no point in waiting here any longer and head for the mess hall to find food. Everyone has cleared out by now so I should have the place all to myself.
I walk in and thankfully the cooks haven't started putting the food away yet. I see one of the younger cooks laughing with a guy and think no wonder. I walk over and ask her if it's okay if I grab a plate and she smiles and says "of course" so I start loading up my plate.
"Wow, I didn't know you were a fatty"?
I look over and the guy is Jake or as I like to call him Jack Ass.
"Hi Jack Ass, I mean Jake" I say
That earns me a laugh from the cook. I smile at her
"Hi, I'm Samantha but everyone calls me Sammy" she wipes her hand on her apron and reaches over to extend her hand.
"Hi, I'm"
"Luna, I know. I've heard so much about you but I've been helping my uncle in the kitchen I hadn't had the chance to meet you. I'm excited we'll finally have another girl in the pack".
"So your the 5th girl?"
I look over at Jake who is still here for some reason and then back at her.
"Are you two mates?"
"No" they both say at the same time
"Jake's my best friend" she says
How can anyone stand this prick I think to myself
"Luna, you need to try and get along with everyone. It doesn't help my case if there's already drama with you and Jake so chill." I hear Coby say in my head
"Fine, and stop ease dropping. How much longer?"
I totally forgot we can read each other's thoughts. I could have asked a long time ago. I shake my head annoyed with myself.
"What you have a problem with that? Jake startles me
"Huh" I say
"Why are you shaking your head like it's so hard to believe we are just friends"
"Listen Jake, I don't know how I got on your bad side but can we start over?" I extend my hand
Samantha looks at him like a mother looking down at her kid.
Jake looks at my hand and walks away.
"Don't mind him Luna. He will warm up to you soon enough. Why don't you finish serving yourself and when I'm done here I will come sit with you"
"Okay, thanks"
When I turn back to the tables I'm surprised Jake is still here so I try again for Coby's sake. I walk over and sit across from him. He's on his phone and doesn't look up.
"What do you want?"
"Did I do something to offend you?"
"Yes, you're presence is bothering me so leave"
"I'm being serious"
"So am I" he still hasn't looked up
"Do you like Coby or something?"
"What! Hell no!"
That got him to look at me
"Well I'm just trying to figure out why you don't like me?"
"You want to know why? Okay, it's because for years Coby has been groomed to be our Alpha. He's the perfect choice for it and he's been looking forward to it since we were kids. Now he has to turn over his family's legacy all because he was fated to be with a human girl who knows shit about our traditions. Theres no telling who we will get now and it's all thanks to your selfish ass. There are Alphas who only care about themselves, this pack is one of the few with a great leader. Your choice is affecting us all but you didn't even think of any that before making your decision did you!" By now he's shouting at me with his fists clenched on the table.
I don't know what to say because he's right. I only wanted to see my dad and go back to my life not thinking about how my decision would change any of theirs especially Coby's.
"I'm sorry"
"Save it, it's too late now"
"Coby is meeting with the Elders to see if my dad can come to the ceremony and maybe he can still be Alpha"
Jake laughs "do you really think they will agree to that? You're insane. We don't let humans near our home period. The only reason you are here is because you are a half breed. They will never agree to it. What happens if they say no? Are you going to run back to your daddy and forget about us?"
I stay silent
"That's what I thought." He gets up and yells "Sammy I'll see you later"
I feel like shit now.
How could I not think about the pack or Coby's family. I've been so caught in my own feelings. They didn't choose me either, fate did. I'm sure they would have wanted a full were to be their Luna and yet they accepted me and I've been acting like a selfish brat since I've been here. They accepted me because of Coby and his father. They are well loved and respected.
All of a sudden I feel sick and I push my plate away. I'm no longer hungry.

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