20. Reunions

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Luna's POV
I don't know how but the Council agreed to let my dad come for the rest of the ritual. Maybe it was because of Coby's recent outburst at the Council chambers where he announced he wanted to reject me as his mate but his mother had quickly denied him. The Council consisted of a representative of every pack so I'm sure word had spread fast. It was humiliating for me. Natasha and Sammy had said there hadn't been an Alpha who rejected his mate in hundreds of years. The Council was concerned what that would do, it could start a war among the packs with them all gunning at the chance to inherit another pack.
When I finally awoke I was alone in my room but I could smell his scent all over me. I don't know what he did to numb the pain but I was grateful, no more than grateful. I thought I was dying and he saved me. I hadn't seen him since but Nina told me he had cared for me. She explained why I was feeling so sick.
I'm currently standing at the gates by the pack territory entrance. I can't wait to see my dad. When I called him he was besides himself at hearing my voice. He couldn't believe I was alive. He cried with joy and I told him how much I'd missed him. I lied and said I had ran away with Coby and I was so sorry for hurting him. I told him the car accident had nothing to do with me and I just didn't know how to face him. He seemed to believe me but I knew he wasn't 100 percent convinced so he agreed to come. As far as he knew, he was coming to my wedding and to meet his new extended family. I've been pacing back and forth for over an hour now.
"Can you stop pacing please, you're making me dizzy" Nina says
"Sorry I'm just so anxious"
"I know" she smiles at me
I see an SUV coming but I know it's not my dad's car. I move out of the way as the big gate opens and stand to the side of the road with the girls. The black SUV stops in front of us and I hear Tasha say it's the Crescent pack. Nina stands tall as we wait to see who's in the SUV but no one has rolled down the window. It has pitch black tint so we can't see inside. I notice that Nina is pale and I'm about to ask if she's okay when the door opens and out steps the most handsome man I've ever seen. Well aside from Coby that is as much as I hate to admit it. He's over 6 ft tall and wearing a charcoal grey pin striped suit. He has his black hair cut short and has a sharp jaw line. He's wearing sun glasses so we can't see half his face but as I turn to look at the girls you can practically see the drool coming down their cheeks. Since it doesn't look like they can speak I do.
"Hi, I'm Luna. This is Natasha, Samantha, and Nina" I say
"Hello Nina" he says without acknowledging me.
Okay that's my queue to shut up. I move back and shove Nina up a little. He removes his shades and displays beautiful piercing blue eyes that leave you mesmerized. Wow is all I can think, now I'm drooling. I shake my head and squeeze Nina's arm. She appears to be in shock. She coughs a little.
"Hi Tyler" she stutters
Aw so this is Tyler then, now it makes since.
He leans in and hugs her which takes her by surprise that she stumbles a little. I don't miss how he closes his eyes and takes in her scent like it's his lifeline. She slowly places her arms around him and then quickly steps back. She's flushed when she does. His jaw twitches but he puts his shades back on quickly and hides any emotion from us. He clears his throat and asks what we are doing here by the gate. Nina tells him we are waiting for my dad and he finally turns to look at me.
"Hello" he says and extends his hand. I shake it quickly. He nods at Tasha and Sammy and they are still drooling like puppies.
"You shouldn't be out here alone Nina, there's going to be a lot of packs coming through here soon" he scolds Nina.
"Her dad will be here soon" Nina says defiantly and he smiles at her. He looks to the road he came from and then back at her. "You can wait in my car, come" and before she can protest he grabs her hand and walks towards his car. I hear her mumbling and I laugh.
"Well I guess we can fin for ourselves then" I laugh and hit the girls since they are still in shock. They snap out of it.
"Oh my gosh, he is so hot!" Sammy says. Tasha has been completely quiet and I wonder what's up with her. She catches me looking at her and offers a small smile. "It hot out here, let's take him up on his offer" she says and makes her way to the back seat of his car with Nina. Sammy and I follow suit.
"So Tyler, how long have you known Nina" I say trying to spark a conversation. It's been too quiet in here.
"Since we were kids"
"So you're from another pack?"
"I'm an Omega now, I don't have a pack anymore" Nina covers her mouth and stares at him in disbelief.
"What? When? Why?" She's says frantically
He looks at her and says they will talk later. I'm such an idiot, me and my big mouth.
"Is that your dad" Sammy says from the back.
"Yes!" I shout as I jump out the car
I run towards the car and my dad runs to me too.
"Daddy" I croak out
"Honeybun" I missed you so much sweetheart my dad says in between his tears. I'm holding him so tight I never want to let go. I'm crying too not just from the joy of seeing him but also for everything that has happened to me in the last month and having to face it all alone without him. Nina rolls down the window and says they will meet us back at the pack house. I nod and they leave.
"I'm so sorry daddy"
"Shshh sweetheart it's okay. I'm just glad you're alive and well" he says while rubbing my back. "Sweetheart please don't ever do this to me again. No matter what it is I will always love you okay."
"Okay, I promise"
"Good, now let's go meet my new family" he smiles at me and I can't help but laugh. "Okay daddy" I beam

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