14. Frienemies

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"Are you upset with my decision?"
"No, I have hope." Nina responds "You didn't reject him so there is hope that one day you will take your rightful place by his side, until then I will not give up hope."
I turn from facing myself in the mirror. "Do you think this dress is a bit much?"
I'm wearing a long fitted emerald green gown, Nina is helping me get dressed for tonight.
"No, I think it's perfect."
Someone knocks and Nina tells them to come in.
"What do you want Milah" I say to the last person I want to see.
"I am not your enemy Luna. I care for Coby but we are not meant to be. I have my mate now and it's wonderful. Coby is like a brother to me now, whatever intimate relationship we had is gone. I came because I know you saw me leaving his cabin early this morning. I wanted to tell you nothing happened. He's been drinking a lot lately and he got wasted so I had to care for him all night. I was scared he would drown in his own puke so I stayed to watch over him but that's all."
"Did he send you here to say that?"
No, he would be furious at me for coming. He doesn't want you to know how much your decision has really affected him. You must understand everything he is giving up for you. He won't be Alpha which is not only his birthright but in his family lineage for hundreds of years. Now a new family will have that privilege and he won't get it back. That means they could change the ways of this pack. Let's hope for everyone's sake that it's a good choice."
"He doesn't become Alpha until 21 so he has another year at least."
"Is that your plan then to come back in a year?"
"I don't have a plan Milah."
"I just ask that you not be self centered because he sure hasn't. He put all his faith, trust, and love in you which is not something he gives easily."
"But he gave it to you too didn't he and how did you repay him?"
"I didn't have a choice, he's not my mate and I know where my obligations are Luna. In the end, all is how it is meant to be for Coby and I. You should trust that you are where you are meant to be as well."
With that she smiles at Nina and leaves.
"I'm trying real hard to hate her but somehow every time she speaks I can't help but like her." Nina smiles "I can see why Coby emm why they are close."
"Come on Luna, lets finish getting you ready."
I don't know why I'm shaking or why I decided to come find him. I need to get some things off my chest. I knock and no one answers so I let myself in.
He's sleeping with only his boxers on. I watch him for a bit. What would be so bad about spending the rest of my life with him? He's gorgeous for one and he seems to care about me enough to give me a choice. I sit next to him and can't help but run my fingers through his hair. He stirs but doesn't wake. We're supposed to be at the mess hall in an hour and he isn't even getting ready. I look around and see a black suit laid out across his couch.
"Coby" I shove his shoulder a little but he doesn't move.
"Coby" I say a little louder this time. He turns over so he's lying on his back and oh my he looks so tasty. My body immediately reacts to his and I want to stratal him again. I shake my head and squeeze his bicep. "Coby, wake up."
"Mmmmm" he groans but doesn't open his eyes
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the feast."
"Why do you care?" He says roughly in a sleepy voice and it's so sexy.
"I came to talk to you and you still haven't shown me how to block you"
He finally opens his eyes and they widen as he takes me in. I forgot I was all dolled up for a minute
He rubs the sleep from his eyes and sits up, takes the sheet and covers his lower half.  Part of me wished he wouldn't, I enjoy the view.
I hit my forehead and he laughs
"Fine I'll teach you, close your eyes."
"Can you hear me?"
"Yes of course I can, your right next to me"
"But I'm not using my voice to speak to you"
"You try it, respond with your mind"
"Am I doing it"
"Are your lips moving?"
"Then yes you are, now just build a wall in your mind to block your thoughts"
"What? How do I build a wall?"
"Will yourself to block me"
I focus for a minute and build a mental wall and tell myself to block Coby from my thoughts. I open my eyes "did it work?"
"Only one way to find out" he says before he gets up and drops his boxers.
I cover my eyes "what are you doing?"
"What are you thinking right now Luna"
"That you should put on your clothes"
"Yup it worked, I can't hear your thoughts anymore. When ever you want to you can drop the wall okay."
I hear the shower turn on a few minutes later. Well I guess that's my queue to leave.
I sigh and walk out of his cabin not sure why I'm feeling so down.

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