12. Girl Time

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So I didn't know this ritual lasts a few days. One more thing everyone failed to mention. I'm currently at a shopping plaza with Natasha and Nina who said they needed a few outfits for the ritual gatherings. Apparently there is one night of feasting and dancing, another for the two pack families to meet and bless the union but I don't have a pack so not sure how that will work, and then finally the bonding ceremony aka wedding.
Do you know when you get that feeling like someone is watching you. Well I've been getting that feeling since two stores back but haven't spotted anyone suspicious only now the feeling is getting stronger. I wonder if I should say something to the girls. Nah, I don't want to spoil their fun and it's probably just me being paranoid. The girls have been teaching me about the pack laws and our territory borders. It's all so overwhelming but they said that even though I'm choosing to live in the human world I must still abide by their laws as well. I wish there was a manual.
"What do you think of this one?" Nina comes out of the fitting room in a short pixie baby blue dress and I think she looks lovely. Before I can speak Natasha responds "you want hot and sexy, not goody church girl so no."  Nina frowns and grabs the other dress she picked out.
"So she wants to look hot and sexy?" I ask
Natasha laughs "yeah, there's this guy Tyler in the Stanton pack that she's been crushing on since birth I think. He's 18 now I think but they have birthdays really close so they will ascend around the same time. She's hoping he's the one. She wants to show him how much she's grown". She says this while grabbing her boobs up and down and I laugh.
Nina steps out again and this dress is the one. It's a tight fitted gold dress with shinny beading all over but it compliments her every curve. She's gushing because she knows this is the one too. We both give her a thumbs up and she squeals running back to the fitting room. One down, two to go I think sarcastically.
I found my three dresses in the first store. I'm not real picky plus I'm not trying to impress anyone so it made it that much easier for me. Natasha is looking in a nearby rack when I get the feeling again. I look around but again don't see anyone. This time I decide to say something. "Hey Tash, I've been getting a weird feeling like we're being watched from about two store backs now. What do you think it means?"
She quickly comes over and grabs my hand and takes me to the back of the store where the fitting rooms are. "Nina hurry up, we gotta go now."
Nina pops her head out "why?"
"Luna senses we are being watched"
"Shit, ok."
"Can someone please telll me what the hell is going on"
"No time now but we will when we are back home"
We quickly pay for the dresses, Nina buys both since she didn't get to finish shopping and another that she quickly grabbed from a rack.
"Is there a back door to this store we can use ma'am? My crazy ex has been following me and I am trying to avoid him."
The cashier looks at us all and we must look convincing because she leads us to the back. "I had an abusive boyfriend once and I'm so glad I left him. You girls be safe" she unlocks that back door and waves us good bye.
We are now in the back of the shopping plaza but our car is in the front.
"Nina you stay here hidden with Luna and I'll bring the car around back."
"No, I'll go" Nina says
"No Nina, I'm the least likely to be recognized." Tasha puts on a shirt she bought and picks up her hair to change her appearance a little.
"Fine" Nina hands her the keys and we wait.
"Now will you tell me what's going on?"
"It could be one of our rival packs, any time you get that uneasy feeling Luna you must act on it and don't take it lightly. We have enemies and there's no telling what they would do to 3 of the only 5 girls in our pack."
"Then who's bright idea was it to come out without any guys?"
"No one has tried anything in so long so we got comfortable but it makes sense that they would try something now that my brother will soon take his place as Alpha. You see they don't know that he has given you your freedom. " she turns me to face her "Luna, if you go back to your home, you will be unprotected."
The car pulls up and Tasha is waving furiously at us to hurry up so we sprint. Tasha is driving like a maniac and I keep looking back to see if anyone is following us but don't see anyone. We are almost home.
"Are you still feeling anything Luna?" Tasha asks
"Good" she sighs with relief "maybe we lost them"
We get through the gates and we all start cheering like idiots then laugh.

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