19. Hers

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Coby POV
I've been sitting at the edge of the bed watching Luna stir in her sleep. She's still in pain but her body has given out on her. She's moaning and I know I can help her so why haven't I. Am I punishing her for hurting me so much? She broke me that day in the shower when she confessed that she had planned to leave me still after spending the most incredible night with me. I couldn't comprehend how she could be so cruel. I never thought she would go through with our deal. I thought for sure after we slept together there was no way she could leave me. Maybe this is God's punishment for me being a selfish sick bastard and trying to trick her. I yank at my hair, how has my life turned into this. I'm losing myself and doing shit I would never. Nina even called me out on it. The look she gave me before leaving tore me up inside. I disappointed her and hurt her too. She's always been there for me and I'd do anything for her and now I'm letting her, my family, and my pack down.
Luna stirs again this time her moans are louder. She's clutching her stomach. I'm such an ass. I know my body will help alleviate her pain yet I haven't gone near her. I decided to reject her and become Alpha of my pack even if it meant losing her. But what really would I lose if she never really gave herself to me fully. She didn't want me so why sacrifice everything for her. If I reject her then as Nina said her wolf would die and she would become a full human. Maybe that's what she wants anyway. At least that's what I tried to convince myself of last night but seeing her in so much pain has me second guessing my decision. When I'd gone to my mom this morning and told her she was furious with me. I couldn't believe she said she'd rather lose our position in the pack than let a werewolf die. That is not what our family stood for and she shamed me for even thinking it much less speaking it out loud. I feel like I'm going crazy. Luna arches her back and let's out an awful cry of pain and I can't hold back anymore. I stand up and tuck her small body under my arms and take her to the tub. I reach over and turn on the water and make sure it's cool since she's burning up. I don't bother removing any of our clothes. I step in and set her down in front of me in between my legs and her body immediately molds into mine. I place one arm around her ribs under her breasts and the other on her lower hip. When the water gets to our stomachs I turn the knob with my foot. I lean my head back and close my eyes. Luna's breathing has become normal and her body temperature seems to be stabilized. I hear her sigh and she shifts herself a little so her face is at the crook of my neck. This girl will be the death of me. I drift off to sleep with her in my arms. My last thought is that she wins. I'm hers forever.

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