11. The Decision

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Apparently I'm late, no one mentioned a specific time for me to be here and I guess I took longer than I thought in the woods. Nina tells me not to worry about it and that she explained to Alina the state she found me in. Everyone is seated at the round table when Nina and I walk in and all eyes turn to face us. The room goes silent. I hate being the center of attention. Nina squeezes my hand that she's holding and pulls me forward. We sit next to each other. To the other side of me sits Natasha. She offers me a small smile and leans in to say I look lovely. I thank her and say the same to her.
"Thank you family and friends for joining us tonight on what I hope to be a joyous celebration" Alina says to the crowd briefly glancing in my direction.
I haven't even looked over at his direction because I know it will be that much harder to make my decision. I stay as calm as possible and wait for Alina to start.
"My son Coby has been blessed to have found his mate after months of searching. He's been careful not to frighten her and show Luna our way of life. I trust that your stay here has been pleasant Luna" she looks to me and I just smile a small smile in return.
She didn't look pleased with my response but continued. "Luna, the time has come for you to decide not only your fate and Coby's as well but you should understand something. It is his birthright to take his place as Alpha upon his 21st birthday. He is about to turn 20. He cannot do so if he is mateless, the Elders forbid it. Yet still he has chosen to let you decide his fate. He has always been a caring, loving, and giving person but I've seen a side of him in the past few days that I had never seen before. I hope that for both your sakes you make the right choice tonight. If you choose to reject him you will be forced to stay without your mate. Any other ware may take claim on you if he wishes although it is frowned upon it is not forbidden.  Coby can take any mate he chooses or as many as he pleases if you reject him as long as they are not bonded. Choose wisely my dear"
"What do you decide?"
"May I please speak to Coby alone for a few minutes before I announce my decision" I say
She looks surprised but nods in approval. I stand and walk out of the room not bothering to see if he's following me.
I wait in the open foyer outside the council room. The door opens shortly after and Coby comes out. He looks so handsome in a fitted navy blue suit with red tie. He has his hands in his pockets as he walks towards me.
"What is it Luna"
"I wanted you to know that I will be taking you up on your offer Coby. I will accept you but I will take my freedom and go back home. I have one condition."
Coby doesn't say anything and actually looks surprised. "What is it?"
"Teach me how to block you from my thoughts before I go"
His eyes trace over my body slowly from head to toe almost as if he's taking me in for the last time and then he walks away. "Okay" I hear him say
"Wait, will you be able to take your place as Alpha still this way?"
He stops just outside the double doors "not your concern anymore" and walks in.
"What did you think that I would say yes after everything you said to me earlier!" I practically shout is my mind because I know he can hear me.
No response
I walk in with my head held high.
"Are you ready to continue Luna?" Alina asks
"Very well then, may I have your decision now please "
"I've decided to accept Coby as my mate" I hear sighs of relief and shouts of cheer. I look over at Coby and he is stone faced. I see for the first time that Milah is sitting next to him. She places her arm under his and rubs his forearm but he doesn't take his eyes off me waiting for me to finish what I started.
"I am very pleased to here it Luna" before she can continue I cut her off
"I'm not done, Coby gave me the choice to be mated but go back to my old life. I am taking it. After we are bonded I am leaving." The room explodes with everyone speaking at once. Alina looks hurt and disappointed but quickly recovers her features.
"Silence" she booms
"Coby did you make this offer?" She looks to her son in disbelief but his eyes haven't left mine.
Without looking at her he says "yes"
"You understand what this means son?"
Again he doesn't break contact with me and says "Yes"
"Very well then, let it be written that Coby and Luna will be bonded and she will leave once the bonding ritual is over."
Coby finally breaks contact and gets up and walks out. Everyone else follows suit. I look over at Natasha and Alex sitting to the other side of her but they both get up and walk out without looking at me. Of course they will be loyal to their friend, I didn't expect anything less. I am alone here. The room empties quickly and I sit at the table alone. I put my hands in my face and pray silently that I made the right choice.

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