23. Luna

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Luna's POV- Flashback
I'm awake now but my head feels like it will explode any minute. I open my eyes and immediately close them again. The light is too bright and it sends a shooting pain to my temples. I groan and try again. My stomach is empty and I'm starving, I have no energy but I slowly drag my legs off the bed and stand up. I have to balance myself because I'm a little dizzy. I look around for Coby, I can smell him all over my sheets and clothes but he's not here. I walk into the bathroom and the girl in the mirror looking back at me is a hot mess. My hair is a birds nest, I have dark circles under my eyes and I look pale. I decide a nice hot shower will do me good. I've been spending lots of time in the shower lately. I grab my toothbrush so I can brush in the shower. I've been standing under the hot water for a while when I hear the bathroom door open.
"How do you feel?" I hear Coby say
"I'm better now than last night. How did you stop the pain? I thought I was dying."
"I told you before, we can heal each other."
"Why did it happen?"
"Can we talk about this later? I brought you some breakfast. Hurry up or it will get cold."
"Okay, hmm can you get out so I can change?"
"I've seen you naked" he says irritated
He sighs out loud and gets up and walks out.
When I enter the room, he's gone. Did he really get pissed because I asked him for some privacy? Why is he always leaving, ughh. The strong aroma of beacon and eggs hits me and my stomach growls loudly in response. I immediately dig into it and eat everything from my plate in minutes. I feel much better once I'm full.
The door opens and he comes in wearing a tight fitted black tee that shows off his muscles. I'm openly staring trying to memorize every bit of him before I leave.
"The ceremony starts at 6pm, we are skipping some of our traditions since you won't be staying. It will be short and after our ritual you are free to leave with your dad.  Nina will be in shortly to help you get ready." His tone is bland and he's not even looking at me. It looks like he's staring at a spot on the wall behind me.
"Do you hate me?" I hear myself whisper
"I don't know" he answers honestly and it stings
"Well at least you will have Milah like you wanted". I mentally slap myself. I don't know why I said that.
"I don't have her the way I want her. Her mate came to witness the ceremony." He laughs a little
"Maybe he'll be glad I'm finally getting hitched, little does he know." He says more to himself
"The way you want her" I repeat his words out loud and turn away from him. This time the pain in my chest is stronger and I can't hide it. It takes my breath and my hand reaches for my heart while I sit on the bed.
"Hmm, I didn't think our bond affected you at all. You don't act like it. You're leaving."
"Do you have to be so cold? Why give me an out just to act this way when I take it? Oh that's right, you thought if I slept with you that would change my mind. You tried to trick me and you're just pissed it didn't work. Why would I stay with someone like you who's been pining for someone else the entire time I've been here? You must think I'm stupid?" This time I laugh. I'm done with this conversation. "
He walks up to me and towers over me. He leans in and roughly lifts my chin up to look at him.
"I would have done anything and everything to make you happy. I was going to give up my Alpha status for you. I begged the Council to allow your dad to come today and I don't beg anyone!" He's so close I feel his hot breath on my face and my nostrils flare as I take in his musky scent. I can't help but breathe him in deeply. I snap my head back out of his grip.
"I don't know what you want from me" I try to push him away. He's too close.
He grabs my arms and throws me back. It takes me off guard and I try getting up quickly but he's quicker than me. He's on top of me and holds my hands down. He places his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. He's breathing heavy and I feel his heart thumping through his chest.
"I'm sorry Luna. Understand that when you leave I will never come after you. You will be unprotected. I won't come running to save you if you are in danger." He's looking at me like he's torn up.
"I understand"!I choke out.
The look he gives me makes me hate myself. He gets up and walks out without looking back.

Luna AwakenedWhere stories live. Discover now