31. Nina's Big Day

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Nina's POV
I can't believe I have fully recovered from my illness. Every since Jesse came into my life just two weeks ago only good things have happened. He has been so sweet, catering to me hand and foot until I fully recovered. My wolf is so happy too, we both actually shifted yesterday and went for a run together and it was the greatest feeling.
Luna and Coby finally bonded so that is just the cherry on top. They have been doing great making preparations for tonight. We've had the big feast and the pack gatherings and today is the big day. Everything has gone so smoothly and I know it's because of all my family and friends coming together to ensure it and I'm grateful. Even Tyler and Natasha showed up to all the events. I was so happy to see them both, now that I found my mate I'm truly happy for them and I let them know that. They were relieved and Tyler told me privately that I will always be his first love, his first everything and he would always be there if I ever needed him. He tried to come see me when I was sick but I had refused him back then. I hugged him and thanked him. I think that was the closure we both wanted. I now understand Coby and Milah's relationship.
Luna walks in and interrupts my thoughts. "Hi! I'm so excited for you!" She's carrying a big black dress bag and I can't help but laugh. Just over a year ago it was I dressing her only she's not alone. "I've never been good at make up so I brought help" she says
Sammy and Tasha walk in. I extend my arms and we have a big group hug. The girls quickly get to work on me. When they finish I can't believe how beautiful I look. I thank them all sincerely.
They rush out to go take their seats and I take a deep breath and walk out too.
I see Coby standing in the living room looking so handsome in a charcoal gray suit. He smiles big when he sees me. "You look beautiful sis" he hugs me tight and kisses my forehead. I'm honored that he's walking me down the aisle since our dad passed away when I was so young. He leads me to the door and I wrap my arm around his. I nod and he opens the double doors. Everything looks so beautiful and everyone stands as we walk down the aisle. We reach the front and Coby hugs me again and places my hand in Jesse's. Jesse smiles and wraps one arm around him. Coby tenses but relaxes and does the same. I exhale in relief.
We exchange our vows and Jesse kisses me passionately and I get embarrassed. He then lifts me up with a big goofy grin and everyone laughs! He puts me down and we are assaulted by the guests congratulating us. We finally make it back inside and Jesse takes me in his arms and kisses me longingly. He breaks away and whispers "I can't wait until tonight Nina when I make you mine forever" The door flies open and Coby says "hey save that for tonight" and everyone laughs from outside. Luna play slaps him and I'm so glad she accepted him. He's back to his old self again only a thousand times happier. Coby poors us all a glass a wine and raises his glass. "Here's to Nina and Jesse" everyone clinks their glasses and drinks.
Right after we finish our drink Jesse announces that we are leaving. I look at him amused and he winks at me. I get butterflies in my stomach and I know I must look like a tomato. We say our goodbyes to everyone head out to a surprise place that Jesse planned. I'm nervous and excited.
We drive for a few hours out of town and the road eventually turns into a dirt road. There are woods all around us and it's so dark out. We drive a few more minutes and then I see a faint light ahead.  It's a beautiful two story cottage tucked in the woods. Jesse slows to a stop a few feet in front of it and there are flowers growing all around.
"Are you ready?" Jesse looks at me smiling.
"It's beautiful, yes and thank you for this" I say in aww of the scenery. I pause for a moment taking this all in and imprinting it in my mind forever.

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