24. The Ceremony

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Nina comes in shortly after Coby leaves. She has a huge black dress bag and a make up box. She's smiling from ear to ear. "I've waited for this day all my life. I'm so honored to be dressing you Luna. You are going to be the most beautiful bride." She gushes. I don't know how she doesn't hate me like everyone else. She looks at me like she knows what I'm thinking. "I told you already, I have hope."
She lays the dress on the bed and unzips the bag. I gasp at the gorgeous dress that is revealed. Nina pulls it out and I can't help but touch the beautiful beading. She tells me to undress and spends the next two hours getting me ready.
I can't believe this is me I say looking at myself in the mirror. I look incredible, I've never looked this good. It's hard to believe that just yesterday I looked and felt like death. My hair half up and half down with curls and my dress fits my body perfectly. I don't know why but I'm excited to see Coby's reaction when he sees me.
"I think you're ready!" Nina squeals in excitement.
"Thank you so much Nina, I don't know what I would have done without you." I hug her and she hugs me back tighter.
"Stop or you'll make me cry" she laughs
It's now about 45 minutes until I'm supposed to head out and I'm starving again. I only ate breakfast. Nina leaves and tells me she will have someone bring me a plate of food. The pack house is full of caterers, decorators, and all the guests that I don't want to take the chance of someone seeing me so I stay in the room. A few minutes later I hear a soft knock and I say come in.
In walks Milah, oh great.
"I know I'm the last person you want to see but I brought food and gifts."
"Come in" I take the plate from her and start to eat. She waits a few minutes before she starts to speak again.
" I brought you something." She is holding a small box.
"What is it?"
"It belongs to Coby's grandmother. It's a hairpin she wore at her ceremony." I stare at it in aww.
"It's beautiful, thank you" I say and I mean it. It's a sweet gesture and I'm starting to believe that she really does just want Coby to be happy. Too bad it's not with me. Milah takes the hairpin out of the box and asks me to turn around. She sticks it in my hair gently and smiles.
"You look stunning Luna. Coby is one lucky guy."
Did he not tell the guests I'm not staying? I wonder. Maybe he doesn't want all the packs to find out just yet.
"Well I better go take my seat. Your dad is waiting out in the living room for you."
"Thank you"
I wait a few minutes, take a deep breath and walk out the room. I find my dad right where Milah said he would be. He's beaming at me.
"You look beautiful sweetheart, just like you're momma when we married." His eyes are watering and I hug him tight.
"Dad you're going to mess up my makeup" I playfully slap his arm and he laughs. He looks just as nervous as I do. He extends his arm out and says "you ready honey". I nod and tuck my arm under his as we start walking out and I am mentally telling myself right foot then left foot. I don't want to fall.
When we walk out everyone turns to look at us. The music is playing softly and everyone is smiling. I look at the makeshift alter and see Coby. He's standing tall in a black suit. He's drool worthy. His face is set in stone with no emotion and I'm disappointed. We make our way to the front and my dad takes my hands in his and gives me one last kiss on the cheek and places my hand in Coby's.
I look up at him and he still has a blank look. What did I expect, I'm leaving him. We turn to face the front and begin our vows. I was surprised that all was like any wedding and the "ritual" or bonding actually happens in the bedroom when he imprints on me but since I am choosing to leave that won't happen.
"You may kiss your bride" I hear and my attention is snapped back to the present. Coby leans in and gives me a quick peck on the lips. Nothing like how he has kissed me every time before. It still sends an electric shock from my lips down my spine. He quickly turns to the crowd with my hand in his and starts walking us down the aisle not stopping for anyone who's congratulating us. I'm almost jogging to keep up with his pace.
"Please slow down" I say in my mind. He ignores me.  As soon as we are inside he drops my hand and removes the wedding band from his finger. He places it in his pocket and I swear it's like a knife cut me deep. He removes his jacket and throws it on the couch and walks to the bar. He grabs a glass and poors himself some liquor. I'm standing there not knowing what to do and he isn't saying anything.
"So what happens now?" I finally say
"I told you, you can leave" he gulps his drink down and undoes his tie. He unbuttons the top buttons of his shirt and starts walking toward the stairs taking the bottle with him.
"You're car is waiting out front to take you and your dad home. Have a nice life Luna." He keeps walking without looking at me.  I sit on the couch and can't help the tears that start to fall. Why do I feel so heartbroken and shattered. I lean back and close my eyes, the tears are still falling. I stay there for a while trying to compose myself. Maybe I shouldn't be fighting against Coby. If I were a full ware all of this would be so natural to me. I hear the back door open and don't bother checking who it is.
"I hope those are tears of joy."
I look up and see what looks like a God in front of me. Who is he?
"I'm Dimitri, Milah's mate" he smiles and extends his hand to me. Before I can move I hear a growl behind me.
"Why are you in here Dom?" Coby says directly behind me that I jump a little. When did he come back.
"Relax Coby, I don't want any trouble."
Dimitri shakes his head and turns to leave. "Okay man" he waves walking out.
"What are you still doing here? I thought I made it clear you are free so you can leave too." He's been drinking some more. I stand and start walking towards the front door without saying a word to him. He's drunk and I don't want to provoke him. As I walk past him he grabs my arm and I turn to look at him.
"You look beautiful Luna, if... if you ever want to come back to me I'll be here" he stutters out. He lets go and runs his hand through his hair. He looks so broken. He sticks his hands in his pocket and starts walking towards the stairs again.
My dad walks in.
"You ready honey."
I look back but Coby is gone. "Yes daddy."

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