Chapter Forty five

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Our third term examination came really quickly. It's the third day since we began.

Today, we were having Biology and Civic Education.
I slept really late because I was reading. Tunde helped me in solving some past questions.

I turned off my alarm clock and stood up from my bed grudgingly. I had only four hours of sleep.

I brushed my teeth and took my bath. By the time I was done dressing up, the time was 6:58am.

I took my breakfast of noodles and egg. I took one pill of vitamin C before leaving.

I entered a Keke from my house that took me straight to school.

When I got to school, I went straight to my exam hall.
We were mixed with other departments, the person beside me was an Arts student.

Assembly was really short cos the principal said we should go and settle down before the paper comes in.

At exactly 9:00am, the invigilator came in with the question papers.

I looked through the Biology theory questions and they weren't looking nice at all, they weren't so hard either, I could attempt some questions.

I shaded the objective answers on my OMR form and submitted. The invigilator gave me a booklet to answer the theory questions.

The girl beside me whose name was Stella, told me some of the ones I didn't know and I told her too, we kind of did a group work.

When we were done, we went through it again and we when we were satisfied, we decided to submit.

"You go first," I told her.

She stood up and went to submitted.

I waited a few minutes before I submitted so that the invigilator won't say we copied each other.


"How was your exam?" Chioma asked when she came out of her hall which was beside mine.

"It was okay," I shrugged. "What about yours?"

"It was just okay too."

"Have you seen Henry?" I asked.

"Yeah, his mom called him."

"Okay. Let's go and buy something, I'm hungry."

"Me too."

On our way, we saw Jerome and Bayo talking outside the cafeteria.

"Good morning," I greeted.

"Ahn ahn, Jummy, morning at this time," Bayo joked.

I checked my wrist watch and it read 12:35pm.
"Oh, Good afternoon jare."

Clinton and Lolade came out of the cafeteria.

"Ah, our wife, how are you?" Lolade asked. He turned to Chioma and greeted her too.

"Our wife? Who did I marry?" I asked.

"Don't you know your husband again?" Clinton chipped in.

I knew who they were talking about but I was playing charade. Jerome just leaned on the wall, hands in his pockets, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked, feigning clueless.

"Abeg, don't bring words out of our mouth, figure it out yourself, I thought you're smart." Clinton stifled a laughter and I smacked his arm.

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