Chapter Thirty three

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I woke up to the sound of the rain. The rain must have been heavy in the night, but now the rain was a patter against the windows.

I didn't feel like getting up from the bed. I was too effete to do so.
My night was awesome!

Sleeping when it's raining is superb.

I heard a cacophony of voices and clattering of utensils. My dad must be up and ready for work.

I took my phone from the bedside cupboard and checked the time. It was 6:03am.

I stood up from the bed grudgingly. I snagged my toothbrush and applied toothpaste on it. I took a hot bath and slipped into my underwear and uniform. I took a blue pullover before leaving the room.

By the time I got downstairs,my dad had already left and mom was about to.

"Mummy, Good morning."

"Good morning,my dear."

"Aunty Jummy, good morning," Titi greeted in her high pitched voice as she came out of the kitchen with her lunch box. "Mummy, you didn't put meat inside my food," she whined.

"I put meat. Have I not told you not to open your food flask in the morning to check for meat? You and meat!"

"I like meat. Uncle Tunde, Good morning," Titi greeted.

"Good morning."

He greeted my mom as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Tunde, wait for your sister. Two of you should go together. Make sure you take your sweaters and lock all the windows, switch off the lights and cover the pots properly," she instructed.

Trust a Nigerian mother to leave loads of instructions before she goes out.


I forgot my pullover! The cold was killing and I was shivering.

We were in the cafeteria and I was still shivering.

"Ahn ahn, Jummy,why are you shivering like this? The cold is not even much like that."

"I'm just so cold."

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Jerome's voice and looked up.

"She's cold." Chioma answered.

He removed the pullover he was wearing and gave it to me. "Take."

"What am I supposed to do with it?" I asked, rather foolishly.

"I thought you're smart. Is the cold affecting your brain too? You're supposed to wear it."

I took the pullover from him and wore and I was feeling warm. "Thanks." I said.

He nodded and walked to his table.

"Awww." Chioma cooed and I glared at her.

"Hi." Lolade greeted as he sat on the chair.
"Errm. Chioma....can I talk to you for a sec?" He rubbed the back of his neck and he was shy.

I looked at Chioma and she was fifty shades of red.

"Right now?" she asked.

"Yeah, right now."

"Ummm.....I think I'll have to excuse you guys so you can talk." I laid emphasis on the talk.

"Yeah, sit with Jerome." Lolade winked and I hit his arm.

"Can I join you guys here?" I asked when I reached Jerome's table.

"Sure." Bayo stood up from his seat which was beside Jerome's and told me to sit there.

I turned to Jerome. "Hi."

He looked at me for like ten seconds before asking, "Are we friends now?"

"Were we enemies before?"

"Your habit of answering a question with a question." He rolled his eyes. "So your Henry didn't come to school today, right? No wonder you're talking to me."

I just looked at him. I didn't know what to say. My mouth didn't want to open.

"Guy, calm down na. Shuu." Clinton said.

"Henry and I are just friends." I found my voice.

"Well,he doesn't see you as a friend." He stated. "You don't know how badly I want to kill that guy."

"Henry's nice." I said.

"So I'm the one who's not nice?"

"I didn't say so."

"But you meant so. This conversation is not even going anywhere."

"What did I do to you that made you so angry with me?" I asked.

"Do you have amnesia or something? Lemme refresh your memory. You slapped me...because of that bastard. No girl has ever done that before....."

"I'm glad I'm the first girl to do so."

"I'm not joking. It started from ss1. When you started withdrawing yourself from me, saying we were too close. Will being too close to someone kill you? I gave you space and I made a big mistake by doing so because you immediately found someone to fill that space. The day you slapped me, do you know why I told you we need to talk?"


"I wanted to apologize."

That shocked me.

"You looked so shocked, right? Yeah, I, the Jerome that everybody knows never apologizes wanted to apologize for the offense I don't know about. I just wanted to apologize so we can go back to how we use to be before. But what did you say? You told me you couldn't talk now, that you had class work. I didn't go for break with my guys because I wanted to apologize to you. I came to your class to look for you, you weren't there. I came to the cafeteria just to find his arms around you like newly wed couples.
I swallowed my pride for you, Jumoke and you made me choke on it. I've done things for you that I haven't done for any other girl but you threw it all away like a piece of garbage and left me looking like a fool."

Tears already welled up in my eyes. The way he talked....he sounded so hurt and pained.

I felt I was a bad person. I was enjoying torturing him and I didn't know he was dying inside.

The bell went for break over and Jerome stood up and left.

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