Chapter Thirty six

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Saturday came very fast. I got home from Chioma's house and took a long long shower.
Jerome said he would come pick me up by 2:30 and the time was 2:00pm.

I changed into blue jeans trousers, a white short sleeved top and light blue jeans jacket. I packed my virgin hair in the popular way. I didn't apply make up, I wanted to be natural. I put on my black Adidas sneakers and took my black Chanel sling bag.

Finally, I sprayed my Couture La La perfume all over my body and took my phone.

"Olajumoke!!" I heard my mum call.

"I'm coming," I dropped my bag and removed my sneakers and came downstairs. "Mummy, good afternoon."

"Good evening, my dear. Bawo ni?"

"I'm fine."

"Have you eaten?"

"No, but I'll buy something."

She looked at me from head to toe and smiled. "Hmm.....where is this one going?"

"I'm going out with my friend."

I helped her carry the shopping bag to the kitchen.

"Be back before 6:30," she said.

Then I noticed she wasn't with Titi. "Mummy, where's Titi?

"She said she wanted to stay in Mummy Ope's house till in the evening. So your daddy will bring her."

The door bell rang and mom and I looked at each other.

"Go and open the door now.....see how she's looking at me like I'm the one at the door."

I laughed and went to open the door.
Lo and behold, Jerome was standing at my doorsteps dressed in blue denim jeans, white round neck top and blue jeans jacket, he topped it with a black cap and black vans sneakers with a gold Rolex wrist watch.

Who noticed something?
We were dressed the same way.

"Come inside," I moved aside so he could come in.
When he walked past me his cologne drove my system crazy. That must be Nivea men, Tunde uses it.

"Wow, you copied me," he joked. Then he noticed my mum and turned serious immediately.

"Good afternoon ma," he bowed slightly.

"Good afternoon my dear. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you ma."

"Have your seat, my dear. Olajumoke, can't you offer your friend something?"

"What would you like, Jerome?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm okay."

"Is this the friend you're going out with?" My mom asked in Yoruba.

"Yes ma."

"He's very handsome o," she said again in Yoruba.

"Mummy, he understands Yoruba," I told her in Yoruba and I saw Jerome smiling.

"Ah. Good for him then. Have fun, but not too much fun o...if you know what I mean," she raised her brows with a serious face.

"Thank you ma. So are you ready?"

"I just need to wear my sneakers and take my bag. I'm coming." I went upstairs and took my bag and my sneakers.

"You look amazing," he said when we got outside.

"Thank you."

"I like your mom. She's beautiful and nice."

"Thank you," I smiled
"You brought your car." I said when I noticed the black Honda accord.

"Yeah. I don't want what happened the last time we went out, remember?"

I laughed when I remembered our word exchanges with the driver.

He opened the door for me and I entered in and greeted the driver. Jerome got in too and the driver began to drive.

"So, where should we go?" Jerome asked.


"Okay. Mr John take us to anywhere," he told the driver and we laughed.

"No, I mean anywhere you want us to go."

"Where do YOU want to go?" he asked.

"Anywhere you wanna take me to."

"OK....what if I wanted to take you to the shrine to use you for sacrifice."

I laughed. "Just take me anywhere."

"Would you like to go to Domino's?"



At Domino's

The driver parked in the parking lot and we got down.

I could see inside through the double glass door.
Domino's is almost everyone's favourite because they make the best pizza.

"Are you coming in?" Jerome asked the driver which I later learnt that his name is Mr John. I noticed he was very quiet.

"No. I'll stay in the car. Have fun."

We took few selfies and then together, we walked in through the double glass door. Inside, the wonderful aroma of pizza wafted in the atmosphere.

The place was well lit and almost empty.
We found an empty table and sat down.

"What do you want?" He asked. "Please don't tell me 'anything', I know that's what you'll say." He added and I laughed.

"OK. Pizza would do." I said.

"Just Pizza? C'mon, you can't want only pizza."

"Just buy anything, Jerome."

"Kay. I would be right back." He stood up and walked towards the booth.

I fiddled with my phone while he was away.
Minutes later he came back with a box of pizza and bottles of Coke, walking beside me was a guy carrying a tray filled with two other boxes and ice cream cups.

They dropped it on the table and the waiter left.

"Jerome!!!" I exclaimed.

"Yes babe?" He grinned.

"Who's going to eat all these?"

"The both of us. While we eat, Let's talk about you," he leaned closer and graced my eyes with his pearly whites.

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