chapter 43

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Loki has signed on.

Steve has signed on.

Loki: How dare you log on.

Steve: Hush, look I would have really missed this place too.

Loki: Really Now?

Steve: Can you keep secrets?

Loki: Nope.


Loki: Pft I mean yes, your secret is safe with me.

Steve: Well there's this girl I talk to on here, We try to get on when no one else is on.

Loki: So like once every few weeks then, because Tony, Clint and I are always here.

Steve: I know -. –

Loki: Can I meet her?

Steve: Well you are the most calm of the group of chaos.

Loki: You could bring her to the dance Clint and I are hosting on Valentines day.

Steve: I will talk to her about that,

Loki: Yep

Steve: wait another dance?

Loki: Yes, no chaos just pure what ever you all do on that day.

Steve: Okay, you can not tell anyone Loki

Loki: Alright.

Steve had signed off

Tony has signed on.

Loki: Hey Tony guess what?

Tony: Whaa?

Loki: The solider has a secret girlfriend…


Clint has signed on.

Clint: Where's the fire?! o.o

Tony: Steve has a girlfriend!

Clint: Loool! Who is it?

Tony: They low-key :P We gotta find out. So I mean check his cell phone and all that!

Loki: No. He might bring her to the dance!

Clint: Keyword: Might

Tony: I have to know who it is!

Clint: Who is this mystery lady!?

Loki: I swear if any of you talk to him about it, I told him I would not tell.

Clint: Did you pinky promise?

Loki: No….

Tony: Then its settled we will find his girlfriend!

Clint: We are doing a lot this week o.o

Tony: Loki are you ready for this awesomenss

Loki: What if we have the prank war during the dance.

Clint: Like a flash mob?


Loki: I will let the others know…

Clint: I thought chaos was over?

Tony: Long

Loki: Live

Tony: Chaos!

Clint: (: GO hard or go home!

Tony: Lets do this!

Tony has signed off.

Clint has signed off.

Natasha has signed on.

Loki: Hello.

Natasha: It is just you right?

Loki: Yep

Natasha: Ok…I can trust you right?

Loki: Of course you can.

Natasha: I have a crush, right?

Loki: Okay.

Natasha: We meet on here every now and then.

Loki: That must be tiring

Natasha: You have no idea, but any who I really like him.

Loki: I am throwing a party on Valentines Day bring him.

Natasha: No funny business?

Loki: None.

Natasha: I'll talk to him about it.

Loki: Ok.

Natasha: You will not tell anyone about this, are we clear?

Loki: Crystal.

Natasha has signed off.

Loki: Clint and Tony will just love this.

Loki has signed off.

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