Chapter 20

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Loki has signed on.

Tony has signed on.

Tony: Loki! You are in trouble mister!

Loki: Why?

Tony: You know what you did!

Loki: Is this about that video of you?

Tony: Hell yea! Also the secret I told you. :I

Loki: 1st. Bruce shared that video. 2nd I haven't told any one about that.

Clint has signed on.

Tony: Don't tell Pepper or Clint especially!

Clint: Tell me what?

Tony: What about this weather?

Clint: Loookkkiiii!

Tony: How you know I was talking to him? O-o

Clint: You and Bruce haven't cooked yall beef yet and you don't just talked to Steve.

Tony: I have other friends!

Loki: Who?

Clint: I knew it was Loki!

Loki: You are very smart Clint.

Clint: Was that an insult?

Tony: He didn't mean it Legolas.

Clint: You two are playing with my emotions!

Tony: I could let you in on Loki's secret.

Loki: Didn't know I had any, do tell?

Tony: Anyway! Clint I heard from a spider you do things involving bubbles and paint XD

Clint: O. O

Loki: Sounds dreadful, so lets keep that low-key ;)

Clint: Ahahaha ^. ^

Tony: Hey cupid did you ever get your arrows back?

Clint: Tony I will shoot you with one of them.

Tony: Please don't I don't think Pepper will take the news to well.

Loki: I can't believe I talk to you two.

Tony: I already told you Loki you love us.

Clint: just admit it.

Loki: No.

Tony: :(

Clint: :C

Fury has signed on.

Loki: My milkshakes brings all the boys to the yard!

Tony: o. O

Fury has signed off.

Clint: Lmao! XD

Thor has signed on

Thor: Hey friends!

Tony: What you doing?

Thor: Just lifting heavy things, I'm going to be Thor in the morning :D

Clint: Puns, Puns everywhere!

Loki: Lets talk about cats.

Tony: Loki!

Loki: Hehe.

Clint: Cats?

Thor: Anthony, don't you like cats?

Loki: He loves them.

Tony: I'm sorry how is this now about me?

Clint: Isn't everything?

Tony: Nope, doesn't work unless Steve says it. Forget I ever said it.

Loki: I need new acquaintances.

Tony: You trying to replace us?! :o

Clint: Them feels T. T

Thor: Shame brother.

Tony: Yeah shame Loki

Loki: ..

Thor: Who wants poptarts!

Tony: Touch them and I swear I will hit you with your own hammer!

Thor: If you can lift it .

Clint: XD Ooo we all know you cant Tony.

Tony: t(-.-t )

Tony has signed off.

Loki: Let me help you with those poptarts before you cause another explosion.

Clint: What is it with Tony and cats btw?

Loki: Go buy a cat and see.

Clint: Ok I will!

Loki: What is with you and bubbles and paint.

Clint: Hush, somebody's calling my name!

Clint has signed off.

Loki has signed off.

Thor has signed off.

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