Chapter 26

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"Stark! Get out."

"No. I will not sacrifice my self to Bruce."

"Where is Loki?"

"Not getting me a new jacket that's for sure."


"I don't know, before I came in here he was fixing his hair."

A faint noise was heard from the hall. Then mumbles.

Tony opened the door a bit and saw Loki walking to where Bruce was.

"Pssst Loki are you crazy?"

Clint ran up and tried to grab him. "For the love of awesomeness don't do it."

"Tony and Clint I am hungry and I would like to eat."

"I hope you don't plan to tell him all that."

Tony chuckled. "Remember the last time you tried to give the Hulk a speech?"

"And you two wonder why I despise the both of you."

Steve gave Tony a push out into the hall and shut the door.

"I knew he was trying to kill me!"

Loki rolled his eyes and walked on.

Bruce sat quickly typing away at his laptop.

Tony glanced at Clint and Loki. Clint nodded and they went over and sat down.

"Hey Brucey!" Bruce looked up; he was furious.

"Who was on it?"

Clint hopped up. " Loki was!"

Bruce turned and looked at Loki, who was in a corner.

Bruce began to hulk out when Sapphire walked into the room.

Tony gasped. "Hey! You shouldn't be here it is not safe!"

Clint jumped out the way of a table. "Yea! Hulk is crazy."

Sapphire chuckled. "Mr. Hulk eat a snickers."


"You become a rage monster when you're hungry."

Tony ran and scooped her up. He ran into Steve's room again, set her down and ran out.

"Hi Mr. Steve!"

Steve face-palmed and peeked into the hall.

Loki was running in circles trying to dodge the hulk.

Clint sat perched on the balcony, throwing paper balls at him and Tony laughed from the kitchen.

Steve sighed and shut the door. "How about we play?"

"Yay! Yes I'm not very tired by the way."

Steve walked over and grabbed a bag and dumped it.

"My dolls!" Sapphire grabbed a doll and handed one to Steve.

A crash was heard and Clint's yelling. "Bruce calm the hell down. It's just a laptop!"

Tony's voice was heard soon after. "You owe me 12,000 dollars! Now calm down so I can tell you this again!"

Sapphire chuckled." I can't wait to tell Nicky!"

Steve ran to the door. "Tony!"

"What cap?"

"Calm down with all the shouting."

"Wha- You are telling me to calm down I- you know what I got you on our chat I will blow your inbox up!"

Steve rolled his eyes and looked at Sapphire. "Ready?"

She smiled then yawned. "Yup I'm ready!"

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