Chapter 37

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"Really Steve think about this household it would be so much chaos if he shut it down." Steve rolled his eyes.

"We need to stay focused on the problem at hand Bruce." Steve said and put a hand on his shoulder.

"What is that?"

"We are superhero's Bruce! We can handle chaos." Bruce nodded slowly. Steve turned to walk away. A doughnut went flying past his head. He looked back at Bruce who put his hands up.

"Stark!" Another doughnut went flying past him. Clint jumped down the stairs and tossed a watermelon upstairs.

"Flying fruit!" Tony now in his suit flew down the stairs and launched a handful of grapes at Clint.

Loki walked slowly down the stairs and snapped. Tony's suit stopped flying and crashed into a table. He jumped out his suit and ran to the fridge. Pepper and Natasha watched from the stairs.

"See chaos." Pepper said with a smirk. Natasha face-palmed and sighed. Tony grabbed a carton of milk removed the lid and sent it flying.

Bruce grabbed Steve and moved him to the side. "I really don't want to have this everyday."

"Hey Lokes remember when you first got here and like you would do crazy things but it was just a average day with you to us?"

Loki nodded slowly. "Yes Tony I do."

Tony grinned and Loki understood. He smiled and snapped, duplicates of Tony and Clint appeared the real Tony and Clint high-fived each other.

"Team Tony versus team Clint…Go!" The Tony's ran to the kitchen and began chucking food. The Clint's threw back what they could. Bruce raised an eyebrow at Steve who laughed.

"Is this all they got really a food fight?"

Pepper laughed from the stairs. "Wait till you meet the fan-girls." Natasha's eyes widened. "I'm in. I like peace in a day. "

Three Tony's walked up to Steve. "So you in?" They asked in unison. Steve rolled his eyes. " I have seen chaos. This is childs play." He walked out the door and Bruce sighed.

The real Tony and Clint looked at Bruce. "Welcome to the awesomeness. When do you want to get your tat?" Bruce shook his head and walked upstairs.

Loki yawned. " I must rest." Clint grabbed his arm. " Loki are you pregnant? If you are I will beat you with this chair."

Pepper and Natasha squealed, "You will do no such thing." Loki face palmed. "You got that from a yawn?" Pepper and Natasha dragged him upstairs.

Real Tony looked at his clones. " We look good."

"Damn! Right." Real Tony grinned. " I don't know which one of you said that but I like you!"

Real Clint walked up to real Tony. "Which fan-girls are we getting?"

Tony smirked. " Lets find some new ones." Clint nodded. "I like that idea."

Another Clint walked up and looked real Clint up and down. "Is that really how our hair looks from the back?"

Real Clint's eyes widened. "What?!" Tony chuckled. "Yep chaos is my middle name."

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