Chapter 39

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"Pass the syrup." Tony whispered. They coated every inch of Steve's room in anything sticky.

"Loki make the room seem normal." He nodded and waved his hand over the room. All the mess disappeared and the room didn't see to have a trace of anything in it.

"Dear Jenny Bean is the hallway rigged?" Loki asked with a smirk. Jenny nodded and grinned.

They heard a knock on the door and everyone's head snapped up. Clint and Suheyla raced to the door. Clint opened it and grinned.

"More help!" Everyone raced down the stairs.

"Wynter green here." Tony patted her back. "Welcome to the dark side."

"User MagicbowString is here, but just call me Magic." Loki nodded.

Natasha shook her head and Widow chuckled. "Steve is going to be pissed."

Tony laughed. "If anything he will be more confused."

Suheyla raised an eyebrow. "We should make it so when he comes in a bucket of goo falls on him."

Magic clapped. " The dark side is fun." Wynter raised an eyebrow. "Lets do this!"

"Team Clint!" Suheyla and Clint high fived and Loki chuckled.

"No I would say its more team Loki." Jenny Bean and Magic and Wynter clapped.

Natasha and Widow shared a look of disappointment. " I just met you all and I can tell you all are the smartest idiots ever."

Natasha nodded sadly. "Its to true to be funny." Tony started running in circles.

"Code neon!" Clint threw up some confetti and Loki made balloons appear.

Team Tony danced wildly to no music. Team Loki walked away slowly. Another knock at the door made everyone freeze. Natasha opened it and Bruce stood with someone with him.

"This is Mizra. Also Are you guys almost done? Cap only listens to Pepper sometimes."

Tony rolled his eyes and walked up to Mizra. "Whose team are you on?"


"Whoop Team tony rules!" They fist pumped. Bruce tapped his watch and walked away.

"Okay lets get the chaos going. Team Loki we need farm animals! Team Clint cover Ken and Barbie in mud get tracks everywhere. Team Natasha flood this place ankle level."

He looked at his team. " Team Tony just be awesome. Go!" Loki rolled his eyes and snapped a small pig appeared in Jenny Bean's arms. "Hahaha!"

Natasha and Widow went off and started turning on every faucet in the tower. It didn't take long for the water to start hitting the floor.

Clint jumped on Ken. " Ken help me help you!" Suheyla face-palmed. " Come here puppies!" Ken and Barbie over. "You sir are not the smartest." Clint chuckled.

Mizra looked around. "Well if we are going to be awesome we need popcorn."

She went over and put a bag in 20 seconds in, the microwave stopped and caught fire.

"Well then popcorn is off the menu! How about some ice?" Clint ran into the kitchen. "Save the fruit roll ups!" He started to run in but Tony grabbed him.

"Its to dangerous man! Leave it we are on a mission!" A tear ran down Clint's cheek and he nodded.

Mizra face-palmed. " That was the last bag of popcorn…"

Widow set up the bucket of goo over the door. " We are ready!"

Tony texted Bruce and got the reply they were already on the way.

Ken and Barbie were splashing around in the now muddy water.

Tony grinned. "Well if the chat does stop. I would replace it with chaos any day."

Team Tony high-fived and danced wildly once more. There was a knock at the door.

"Come on in!" Tony shouted as everyone tried their best to hold in laughter.

The door opened, the bucket fell, not on Steve but on Fury. "Who did this?" He shouted.

Everyone looked around. "Ask team Tony!"

Loki took his team and backed up a bit. "This did not end well."

Wynter burst into laughter. "I put blame to Magic!"

"All I did was spread that kitchen fire to the curtains." Everyone looked around and Tony smiled.

Jenny Bean gasped. " This is madness!" Loki raised an eyebrow. "Is it? IS IT?"

Widow laughed. "Wow Loki."

Tony giggled and shook his head. " No this is chaos." Wynter spotted a laptop on a table, picked it up and threw it.

"We need the chat!" Steve sighed. "Chaos…"

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