Chapter 24

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Loki has signed on.

Pepper has signed on.

Loki: Hello.

Pepper: Are you mad at me?

Loki: No. Should I be?

Pepper: No. You are the only one who isn't mad at me.

Loki: Cause of the child?

Pepper: Yes she is a handful but she is not that bad.

Loki: I agree even though she is still trying to cut my hair.

Pepper: (:

Clint has signed on.


Pepper: Why did she bite you?

Clint: I told her she couldn't have a cookie.

Loki: Clint you do realize you are bigger than her right?

Clint: Yea so?

Pepper: Lol

Tony has signed on.

Clint: Tony!

Tony: Clint!

Clint: Loki!

Loki: Clint!

Tony: Loki!

Loki: Tony!

Tony: Me!

Pepper: Get it together boys.

Tony: Pepper!

Pepper: No.

Steve has signed on.

Tony: Hey pops

Steve: ugh hello Tony

Loki: Where did Thor go?

Steve: To hang with Jane.

Clint: And Natasha?

Steve: She fled to the mall.

Fury has signed on.

Tony: Face down ass up that's the way we tie our shoes!

Fury: Tony shut up

Clint: Lmao!

Pepper: Hello sir c:

Fury: Just checking to see how Sapphire was.

Tony: You want the truth or a lie?

Steve: She is wonderful.

Clint: Alrighty then.

Pepper: Yea she is the sweetest.

Fury: Good to know. Thank you.

Tony: He said thank you!

Fury: Tell me what horrible things have you taught her?

Tony: *Gasp* I would never!

Clint: Well she knows a new cuss word

Fury: What!

Pepper: They are kidding! O- O

Fury has signed off.

Tony: Haha well we will be seeing him very soon.

PrincessSapphire has signed on.

Tony: Great timing princess!

Steve: Uh whose laptop are you on?

PrincessSapphire: Mr. Bruce's

Clint: Lmao you really want him to change don't ya.

PrincessSapphire: Did yawl make any treats?

Pepper: we started them sweetie ^_^

Tony: It just dawned on me that you had Clint and I sitting with you for an hour trying to help you type.

Clint: Oh my gawrsh. You lied!

PrincessSapphire: I love you both :-)

Steve: I think we should all play a game

PrincessSapphire: Games!

Tony: I Tony Stark can now say I wasted an hour of my life.

Pepper: Tony shut up.

Clint: Ooo you got silenced twice

Tony: Loki! Where did you go?

PrincessSapphire: Loki! He is in here!

Loki: Oh how I dislike you Tony

PrincessSapphire: Loki can I do your hair if I promise not to cut it?

Loki: No

PrincessSapphire: Puh-lease!

Loki: No

Clint: Awweh c'mon Lokes embrace the awesome.

Tony: Yea just make her promise

Loki: Fine!

PrincessSapphire: Yay! Thank you! Thank you!

Steve: That's nice

PrincessSapphire: Mr. Steve?

Steve: Yes?

PrincessSapphire: Will you play dolls with me?

Steve: Sure

PrincessSapphire: lets go!

Loki has signed off.

PrincessSapphire has signed off

Steve has signed off

Tony: Lol dolls

Pepper: now if she would have asked you what would you have said.

Tony: -_ -

Clint: I want to play dolls!

Clint has signed off.

Pepper: Lol

Pepper has signed off.

Tony has signed off

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