The Births

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We didn't even make it halfway pass the trees before I was gently dropped to the floor because of the pain and the vampires that surrounded us. With this chaotic event, I didn't know where anyone was and if even Ali and Eveline were safe.

With each passing minute though, I felt something ripping me from the inside. My screams of pain momentarily stopped the two vampires that were about to kill off a werewolf feet away from me so they could stare at me in horror. The werewolf used those five seconds to escape and then continue off with the fight, quickly making one drop to the ground.

"Oh man I'll rather be in heat again!" I cried as I looked up to the sky. "Someone please help me...."

"Delilah!" Came the most wonderful voice from behind me a few seconds later and then I was being dragged. I basically hanged myself to her arm for dear life as she continued to pull and I just cried out her name.

"Quinn! Oh Quinn! You're an angel!"

She chuckled slightly before she looked behind and whistled a short tune. Seconds later, April appeared with her torn bridesmaid dress while the familiar wolves of Mags and Rose stood behind them.

"Guardian chickens to the rescue," April joked for a second, causing me to smile. But my smile quickly morphed into one of pain and I was crying out.

"Oh these kids sure did pick the wrong day to be born!" Quinn murmured as she got me comfortable against Drea -Roses wolf. Angel -Mags wolf- snorted and growled at Quinn, but Quinn just ignored her and focused on me.

"How long have you been in labor without telling any of us?" Quinn asked me as she made a slot on my dress with a quick tug.

"I..... Uh...... Oh god!" I couldn't even answer her question without thinking of the pain that was happening in my lower regions.

"Mags said that she had a contraction right in front of her before they left. Lila told her she had been having them all day, but she thought they were Braxtons." April murmured besides me as she grabbed one of my hands and wiped the sweat off my forehead with a piece of her dress.

"Well you sure did hold back the pain very well. You are almost fully dilated!"

"Where's..... Where's Ali..... And Eveline," I managed to huff through my labored breathing. "We.... Need to... Move!" A small whimper escaped my lips and I squeezed Aprils hand. Once it dissipated, I huffed out two words. "Not... Safe."

Quinn shook her head. "It's too late to move you now. You've been in labor all day and you didn't even notice." She patted my knee twice as she looked around the trees and winced slightly. She looked back at me with a hurtful expression. "The girls are fine. They are with June and Rebecca in the bunker. And we are safe here since Dimitri told me to keep you safe. He knows where you are so he's keeping the war away from you."

"We should have just kept all the extra warriors from before! I told them, but they just didn't listen to me!" April growled as she rubbed my back. I was barely paying attention to whatever they were talking about, and only focusing on the damn contractions. I was keeping my body from pushing the babies out -as Quinn noticed that was happening- but after ten minutes, I couldn't hold them back.

"I can't. They need to come out, now!"

"But you're not ready. It can-"

"They are dying!" I screamed out. I had no idea how I knew this, but I did. I could feel something inside of me slowly disappearing, as if it wasn't even suppose to exist. It was hard to explain, but I knew something terrible was happening to one of my babies. "They need to come out, NOW!"

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