The Plans

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After waking up and taking a short shower, I didn't waste another second and sprinted to the kitchen. I was late already as SOMEONE didn't bother waking me up when he left.

"Goodmorning!" I chirped and groaned when I saw Quinn, Daniel and Alex missing. I quickly grabbed two pieces of toast, smothered them in jam and stuck a dry waffle in my mouth. "Are they in his office?" They stared at me quietly, trying to figure out what I had just said. Ali just sighed dramatically, nodded and I gave her a smile. "Thanks." I kissed her forehead, walked around her to stand in front of April who had Eveline in her arms and quickly kissed her. "Watch her for a bit longer please?" She nodded and with that, I ran back out, taking bites out of my food.

'You better have not started without me!'

I knocked once on the heavy wooden doors to the office and then walked in, almost dropping one of the toasts. Alex quickly sprinted around his desk and grabbed one of the items from my hand before he led me back to where he was sitting.

"You could have taken your time. We could have waited a bit longer."

"Oh no. I have no time for that. You already let me sleep in, so I'll be eating here, in front of your faces."

He grinned and pecked my lips once before we turned to face the couple who sat silently right in front of us. Quinn looked happier and much more awake now. She just stared at me with curiosity in her eyes and I winked at her before I continued stuffing my face.

"Alright. So would you indulge us on what exactly happened to you yesterday?" Alex asked her softly. Daniel slightly tensed besides her and I watched as she quickly grabbed his hand and patted it. She took a deep breath and released it quickly before she spoke.

"Well as you all know, Reece took me. They actually came back to the main castle, which I find weird since it is close to this place, making it easy for an attack." I quickly turned to look at Alex, who was rubbing his chin with the hand that wasn't around my waist and shook his head. Quinn didn't take bother with his gesture and continued on. "When I got there though, he didn't ask me any questions. He just commanded me to heal as many vampires as I could so that's what I did. Apparently, they had been attacked by rogues again not even a couple of hours before I got there. And since they were still healing from the previous battle, they weren't prepared for this."

A small gasp escaped my mouth while Alex just grunted. No wonder she looked so exhausted. From the few times she had been healing, I had noticed that it took a lot from her; like it drained her energy. She must have had looked worse than what we saw her yesterday if she had fully healed all the vampires who were capable of surviving the attack both times.

"So you were forced to heal people?" Alex asked her and she shook her head slightly at the same time she scrunched up her nose.

"Sort of..... I mean he did ask nicely at the beginning, but I rejected his offer. I don't know why I said no, since my soul tells me to help other people but I did. He had no choice but to command me." She slowly trailed off and there was going to be some complete silence when she added, "He's not a bad person though." She was directing her gaze to me and I gulped loudly as the last bite of my food went down my throat. "Im not saying what you are probably thinking, but you should have seen him. He was truly frantic over everyone; he was trying to save as many vampires as he could and he even had to command me again to stop healing as I swayed everywhere. We didn't even get to talk since I passed out right there and then." Daniel whimpered once, quickly picked her up and dropped her in his lap. She gasped, momentarily distracted by the movement, but then began to blush and looked down. I just grinned while Alex chuckled and hugged me closer to him.

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