Cursed Mate

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Alex didn't drop my hand until he pulled up in front of the house. Even then, he ran across the car before I could even unbuckle myself and held open my door as I stepped out. He reached over for my hand again and I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling like a fool.

"Thank you," he breathed once the front door was open and Ali had disappeared to who knows where. I stopped and stare at him with an eyebrow raised and he just smiled. "Thank you for accepting me. You have no idea how happy we both are right now."

"We?" He nodded fiercely and I understood him. "Your wolf is happy? How do you know that?"

He smiled again and pulled me to the couch after quickly closing the door behind us. "Well I can hear my wolf inside my head. He is like..... Another voice that I can't shut up-" he rolled his eyes for a second "-or won't disappear unless something happens to me. I don't need the full moon or it to be night to be able to shift or talk to him. All of that is just some stupid myth people made up to make themselves feel safer during the day."

"So silver bullets don't work?" I asked, thinking up of some myths I had heard a while back.

He flinched slightly but then thought about it and nodded his head. "Actually that part is true. We are "allergic" to silver and that can do some serious harsh damage if it's injected in the right places. But since I'm the Alpha King, I am practically immune to it."

"Oh...... Ok. So....... Does your wolf have a name?"

He smiled. "Yes. The dumbasses name is-" His eyes flashed gold for a second before they returned to their normal green. I stood up, surprised and scared at the suddenly new color change and he looked up at me apologetically. "I'm so sorry. He..... Doesn't like it when I insult him. Even though he was acting like a girl when you accepted us, I can't say...." He slowly trailed behind and he got quiet. I sat down again as I blinked rapidly when I saw his eyes un-focus for a while. He shook his head a couple of seconds later and smiled. "Sorry. Maximus was talking to me."

"What.... was Maximus saying?" I found myself breathing out as I looked down at my hands. I heard him purr for a few seconds before two fingers came into my sight. They were there for the shortest of seconds and then my head was being pulled up so I was looking at his emerald eyes.

"Don't look down. I love those hazel eyes of yours looking up at me. They are so gorgeous.... No, not even that word matches up to the beauty of your eyes. And then when you blush, it just makes them pop even more, which makes them that more unbelievable." My blush got darker and I looked away.

"Don't say stuff like that."

"Say stuff like what? That you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen in my entire life -and I'm telling you, it's been a long life- and I don't want to take my eyes off of you?"


"Well you're going to have to get used to it Delilah. Because my compliments won't stop until the day we are both six feet under, which will be never."

"What do you mean never?" I asked confused. He gave me a sheepish grin and scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah.... About that.... I can't die." I froze and batted my eyelashes twice, then another two times before I bursted out laughing.

"What? You must be joking." His serious look didn't waver and I stopped laughing immediately. He looked down and shook his head.

"I wish I wasn't. I have been alive for a while already."

Huh? He didn't even look a day over 25! What did he mean that he has been alive for a "while" already?

"How old are you exactly?" I managed to whisper. His lips opened and some words came out, but I didn't catch them. "I'm sorry?" He repeated himself again and I still didn't hear them. He groaned, covered his face and then sighed after a few minutes.

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